Agenda item

P21/S2229/FUL - 12 Gap Way, Woodcote

Demolition of existing chalet bungalow and residential annexe, and erection of a 3-bed detached dwelling and a 4-bed detached dwelling (amended plans received 30th July and 15th September 2021, reducing the width of the proposed dwellings and increasing the separating distance from the plot boundaries).


The committee considered application P21/S2229/FUL for the demolition of existing chalet bungalow and residential annexe, and erection of a 3-bed detached dwelling and a 4-bed detached dwelling (amended plans received 30th July and 15th September 2021, reducing the width of the proposed dwellings and increasing the separating distance from the plot boundaries) at 12 Gap Way Woodcote.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


Prior to the presentation of the report on this application, the planning officer reported that there was an error in paragraph 1.2; it had been incorrectly stated that the existing bungalow had been demolished, whereas it had been recently vacated and part of the land cleared as part of the extant approval. Demolition was part of the present application. The committee was shown slides of a previously approved infill scheme, extant until 2023, retaining the bungalow and adding a dwelling; work on this proposal had not commenced. The planning officer also reported that the site was located within the Chiltern Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) but within the built limits of Woodcote, rather than in the open countryside. The Oxfordshire County Council, the highways authority, considered that the intensification of the use of Gap Way and the access was reasonable, including the low vehicular speeds, and consequently had no objection to the application. The forestry officer had no objection, subject to conditions. The appearance, scale and siting of the proposal were broadly in keeping with the local vernacular and existing built form. The amenity of the development was not in direct conflict with design guide standards and the garden size was similar to neighbouring properties. There were reasonable separating distances between the proposed dwellings and other properties. The internal layout of the proposed buildings avoided first floor windows in the rear projecting gables closest to the rear boundaries. The planning officer added that there did not appear to be any erosion of visual amenity of neighbours. Visual impact would be very localised. The landscaping elements of the proposal were satisfactory and the relationship of the development with neighbouring properties was also acceptable and in character with this part of Woodcote.


Councillor Geoffrey Botting, a representative of Woodcote Parish Council, spoke to the application. Councillor Botting and the committee raised the issue of the removal of permitted development rights and the planning officer responded that this issue was dealt with in recommended conditions 4 and 5.


Mr. David Parker, the agent, spoke in support of the application. He accepted, in principle on behalf of the applicants, any new conditions regarding the prohibition of fires during the construction phases, a requirement for the access to be repaired in the event of damage, coupled with a prohibition of the parking of construction of vehicles on Gap Way.


Councillors Lorraine Hillier and Jo Robb, the local ward councillors, spoke in support of the application.


The committee further discussed the issue of controlling construction in the interests of keeping the access clear and the repair of damage through a construction traffic management plan. The planning officer responded that such plans were not usually applied to this smaller scale of development. However, as the agent was amendable to rectifying damage to Gap Way and to keeping it clear during construction, a compliance condition would be appropriate. The committee noted with approval the agent’s positive attitude to these proposals. With these additional requirements, the committee was minded to grant planning permission.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P21/S2229/FUL, subject to the following conditions;


1:    Commencement within three years - Full Planning Permission.

2:    Development to be in accordance with the approved plans.

3:    Schedule of Materials to be submitted and agreed prior to commencement of any development above slab level.

4:    Withdrawal of Permitted Development rights (Part 1 Class A) - no extensions etc.

5:    Withdrawal of Permitted Development rights (Part 1 Class E) - no

       outbuildings etc

6:    Parking and manoeuvring areas to be provided as on plan and retained

7:    No garage conversions into accommodation.

8:    Energy Statement Verification condition.

9:    Surface water drainage details to be submitted and agreed prior to

       commencement of development.

10:  Foul drainage details to be submitted and agreed prior to commencement of development.

11:  Landscaping plan to be submitted and agreed prior to commencement.

12:  Prior to first occupation, all first floor side-facing windows to be obscure

       glazed and non-opening where below 1.7m from finished floor level.

Supporting documents: