Erection of a storage building (B8 storage and distribution use) with associated access off Britwell Road, together with parking, landscaping and all enabling works (additional speed survey and other information received 12th March 2024 and additional highways technical note received 5th July 2024).
The committee considered planning application P24/S0072/FUL for the erection of a storage building (B8 storage and distribution use) with associated access off Britwell Road, together with parking, landscaping and all enabling works (additional speed survey and other information received 12th March 2024 and additional highways technical note received 5th July 2024), on land at Watlington Yard, Britwell Road, Watlington, OX49 5JY.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application sought permission for the erection of a storage building on an existing employment site to the southern edge of Watlington. He confirmed that officers considered the principle of employment development in this location was supported by Local Plan Policies EMP3 and EMP10 and Neighbourhood Plan Policy P7. The planning officer went on to confirm that officers were also of the view that the development as proposed was sufficiently in keeping with its immediate surroundings and would conserve the setting of the nearby Chilterns National Landscape. Further to this, officers were of the view that the relationship of the proposal with its neighbours was acceptable.
The planning officer advised that the Local Highways Authority had identified an increased risk to highways safety as a result of the development with use of an access with substandard visibility but that the existing use of the site did not contain any planning conditions restricting the hours of operation or frequency and nature of vehicular use. He went on to advise that the applicant for the application before the committee had provided a Transport Technical Note which set out that the working hours of the site would be 09:00 until 15:00 with a total of two deliveries and/or collections to the site per day, that vehicles accessing the site would be either a 7.1 metre rigid vehicle or a transit van type vehicle and that no customer visits would be permitted to the site. The planning officer confirmed that these requirements could be secured via condition and that with this condition in place the objections of the Local Highways authority could be overcome as the proposal would result in a loss of vehicular movements to and from the site.
The planning officer informed the committee that matters relating to ecology, external lighting, drainage, tree and hedge protection, landscaping and carbon reduction could be dealt with through the recommended conditions to the satisfaction of the relevant specialist officers. Officers were satisfied that the application complied with the relevant development management policies and was therefore recommended for approval.
Arron Twamley, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
The committee asked the planning officer to confirm how the proposed condition on vehicular movements would be enforced in practice. The planning officer advised that it would rely upon the neighbouring properties reporting any breaches and keeping a record of any evidence. He further confirmed that at the time of the application there were no restrictions on vehicle movements to and from the site. The planning officer further advised that the local highways authority was aware of the parameters and proposed condition but had still declined to remove the objection.
The committee asked if previously oil tankers had accessed the site. The planning officer advised he did not have access to this historic information.
The committee went on to enquire as to whether the vision splays could be increased. The planning officer confirmed this was not possible in practice as the land required to achieve the splays required was not within the ownership of the applicant.
A motion, moved and seconded, was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P24/S0072/FUL, subject to the following conditions:
1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission
2. Approved plans
3. No changes in levels
4. Boundary walls & fences
5. Schedule of Materials prior to slab level
6. Existing vehicular access
7. Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained
8. Landscaping Scheme (trees and shrubs only)
9. Tree Protection (General) - prior to commencement
10.Integrated Biodiversity Enhancements (prior to slab level)
11.Specified use within Use Class
12.Contaminated Land - Linked Conditions (1)
13.Unsuspected Contaminated Land Condition
14.Contaminated Land - Linked Conditions (2)
15.External Lighting - prior to commencement
16.Surface Water Drainage - prior to commencement
17.OPTIONAL STANDARD INFORMATIVE (Neighbourhood Plan Policies)
18.Mud and vehicle obstructions on the Highway
19.Drainage Informative
Supporting documents: