Calendar of meetings

We are now conducting council committee meetings face-to-face in line with Government requirements but will still broadcast them online via video conferencing.

Watch a meeting

You can watch our meetings online using a link we will publish on the meeting agenda pages of our website five days prior to the meeting. You can find the meeting agendas page by clicking on the meeting name in our Calendar of Meetings. We will also publish the link to each meeting on the front of the agenda.

Taking part in a meeting

You can take part in a meeting by making a statement or asking a question. To do so, you need to register to speak at the meeting by email to by 12noon on the working day before the meeting. You will then receive an email confirming the meeting details and instructions on how you can make your statement.

February 2025
Friday  Saturday  Sunday 

31 January

1 February

2 February

7 February

8 February

9 February

14 February

15 February

16 February

21 February

22 February

23 February

28 February

1 March

2 March