Issue - decisions

Procurement strategy

02/11/2021 - Procurement strategy

Cabinet considered the head of finance’s report, which proposed a new procurement strategy.  This set out guidance on how the council should procure goods and services, whilst at the same time supported the council’s priorities and strategic themes.


The Cabinet member for finance reported that the council had not had a procurement policy to date.  The key to the strategy was that it would ensure compliance with the council’s contract procedure rules and with the corporate plan objectives.  The strategy also included an ethical procurement statement setting out the standards the council would require of contractors and suppliers.  This also supported the council’s community wealth building policy. 


Cabinet welcomed the new strategy and its ethical procurement statement, noting that these documents could be reviewed and updated in future. 




(a)       approve the joint procurement strategy and the actions within it, as set out in Appendix 1 to the head of finance’s report to Cabinet on 30 September 2021;


(b)       approve the procurement action plan and the actions within it, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report; and


(c)        approve the ethical procurement statement and the actions within it, as set out in Appendix 3to the report.