Cabinet considered the head of planning’s report that proposed a new design guide to replace the 2008 guide. The report set out the draft design guide and its technical documents, a summary of the consultation responses and showed how the council had responded to these. Cabinet was asked to approve the new guide as a supplementary planning document.
The Cabinet member for development management welcomed the new guide and thanked the officers for their work on it. It was noted that officers would edit the document under delegated authority to include better illustrative photographs. Cabinet supported the guide’s adoption but asked that the ‘character areas’ section included a reference to the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
RESOLVED: to adopt the new South Oxfordshire Design Guide 2016 (set out in Appendix A to the report to Cabinet on 6 October 2016) as a Supplementary Planning Document to the adopted South Oxfordshire Core Strategy 2012, with effect from 1 November 2016.