Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Waste vehicles purchase 2025. This decision is likely to be an exempt decision under paragraph 3 to Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.23/08/2024For Determination22/09/2024
Procurement of specialist IT consulting services to assist in the exit of the 5C IT contract and formation at new inhouse IT service23/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 20/09/2024
Watlington Natural Flood Management Scheme23/08/2024For Determination10/2024
Future of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership and Devolution16/08/2024For Determination30/09/2024
Contract to Unit4 for the provision of the Unit4 ERP software package08/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 05/09/2024
ICMD to appoint contractor to implement Didcot Garden Town wayfinding scheme08/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/11/2024
ICMD to approve receipt of capital funding from Oxfordshire County Council08/08/2024For Determination26/08/2024
ICMD to approve appointment of contractor to carry out detailed design of four Didcot green infrastructure projects08/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/11/2024
Contract for housing specialist repair and maintenance, including housing void refurbishments. This decision is likely to be an exempt decision under paragraph 3 to Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 197208/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 17/09/2024
LEVI - Electric Vehicle Chargers project30/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 27/08/2024
Procurement of new cloud based Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping software.26/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 26/08/2024
Procurement Strategy and Tender Evaluation Policy26/07/2024For Determination28/11/2024
Provision of annual asset valuation services - contract award26/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 24/08/2024
Energy Procurement Contact via framework provider ‘Laser’.26/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 26/08/2024
Cornerstone Christmas pantomime. This decision is likely to be an exempt decision under paragraph 3 to Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.15/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 07/08/2024
Wallingford Cemetery repairs15/07/2024For Determination09/2024
Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot24/04/2024For Determination22/05/2024
Review of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP)17/06/2024For Determination27/06/2024
Corporate Plan06/06/2024For Determination24/10/2024
Regulation 19 draft version of the Joint Local Plan24/05/2024For Determination19/09/2024
Budget scene setting24/05/2024For Determination17/10/2024
Quarter 1 budget monitoring report24/05/2024For Determination17/10/2024
Treasury management outturn24/05/2024For Determination17/10/2024
Budget scene setting21/05/2024For Determination01/10/2024
2023/24 financial outturn report21/05/2024For Determination01/10/2024
Leisure Facilities Strategy and Playing Pitch Strategy01/05/2024For Determination17/10/2024
Didcot Wave Leisure Centre and Wheatley Park Sports Centre decarbonisation projects24/04/2024For Determination17/10/2024
Thame Leisure Centre24/04/2024For Determination29/05/2024
Didcot Wave18/04/2024For Determination16/05/2024
Didcot Wave18/04/2024For Determination16/05/2024
Didcot Wave18/04/2024For Determination16/05/2024
Waste resources and and street cleaning strategy18/04/2024For Determination19/09/2024
District Net Zero Target18/04/2024For Determination19/09/2024
Operational Net Zero Target18/04/2024For Determination19/09/2024
Community Safety Partnership annual report 2023-2416/04/2024For Determination16/09/2024
GLL annual performance report (leisure centres) 2023-2410/04/2024For Determination16/09/2024
Saba annual performance report10/04/2024For Determination16/09/2024
Corporate Plan 2024-202807/03/2024For Determination23/01/2025
Corporate Plan annual performance report 23/2407/03/2024For Determination01/10/2024
Review of new Section 106 Affordable Housing grant funding application process07/03/2024For Determination05/11/2024
Future Delivery of Household Waste and Street Cleansing Services07/03/2024For Determination30/09/2024
116-120 The Broadway07/03/2024For Determination
Budget performance07/03/2024For Determination
Cornerstone update report07/03/2024For Determination
Didcot Gateway07/03/2024For Determination
Thames Water and Environment Agency07/03/2024For Determination
Procurement strategy07/03/2024For Determination
Berinsfield Decarbonisation Funding Allocations23/02/2024For Determination22/03/2024
Thame Leisure Centre04/12/2023For Determination29/12/2023
Future Delivery of Household Waste and Street Cleansing Services04/12/2023For Determination17/10/2024
UK Shared Prosperity Fund13/10/2023For Determination10/11/2023
UK Shared Prosperity Fund13/10/2023For Determination10/11/2023
Tree Planting Policy02/10/2023For Determination19/12/2024
Finance System application support services03/04/2023For Determination01/05/2023
Corporate plan quarterly performance report10/02/2023For Determination standing item
Thame Leisure Centre03/10/2022For Determination31/10/2023