Issue details

Installing a power supply at the councils’ Didcot Gateway site as enabling works ahead of progressing the main development.

To approve the installation of an electrical power supply to the site as enabling works ahead of progressing the main development. N.B. Installing the power supply ahead of the main works is a commercial resilience activity and does not prejudge the outcome of the planning process, nor the separate decisions required to proceed with the main scheme.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: To incur expenditure, make savings or to receive income of more than £75,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2025

Decision due: 25 Feb 2025 by Cabinet member for economic development and regeneration, Cabinet member for finance and property assets

Lead member: Cabinet member for economic development and regeneration

Contact: Adrianna Partridge, Deputy Chief Executive - Transformation and Operations Email: Email:


Councillors Robin Bennett and Pieter-Paul Barker


  • Installing a power supply at the councils’ Didcot Gateway site as enabling works ahead of progressing the main development.  
  • Installing a power supply at the councils’ Didcot Gateway site as enabling works ahead of progressing the main development.