Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Steven Corrigan Democratic Services Manager
Note: This is a virtual meeting, you can watch it here:
No. | Item |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. Minutes: None. |
Urgent business and chairman's announcements To receive notification of any matters which the chairman determines should be considered as urgent business relating to items on the agenda and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the chairman. Minutes: The chairman provided general housekeeping information and advised there were no items of urgent business.
Public participation To receive any questions or statements from members of the public that have registered to speak. Minutes: The chairman advised that two speakers had registered to address Council who would make their statements at the relevant items. |
Civil parking enforcement PDF 162 KB Cabinet, at its meeting on 3 December 2020, considered a report on the formal application to the Department for Transport to implement civil parking enforcement in the district.
Cabinet resolved to support an application by Oxfordshire County Council for the introduction of a Special Enforcement Area and bus lane enforcement powers across the districts of Cherwell, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White House to provide civil parking enforcement. Cabinet also supported the proposal for Oxfordshire County Council to manage civil parking enforcement and to authorise the head of housing and environment, in consultation with the head of legal and democratic, to negotiate and enter into any formal legal agreements required between South Oxfordshire District Council and Oxfordshire County Council.
The report of the head of housing and environment, which Cabinet considered on 3 December, is attached.
RECOMMENDATION: to approve the addition of a new civil parking enforcement scheme in the approved capital programme of £60,000 as the council’s contribution to Oxfordshire County Council’s implementation costs, and to approve a revenue supplementary estimate of £30,000 in the 2020/21 budget for costs to be incurred by the council. Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Neville Harris had registered to address Council on this item but due to technical difficulties was unable to join the meeting. A statement from Mr Harris was circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting setting out his views.
Cabinet, at its meeting on 3 December 2020, considered the report of the head of housing and environment on the formal application to the Department for Transport to implement enforcement in the district. Cabinet resolved to support an application by Oxfordshire County Council for the introduction of a Special Enforcement Area and bus lane enforcement powers across the districts of Cherwell, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White House to provide civil parking enforcement and to support the proposal for Oxfordshire County Council to manage civil parking enforcement. Cabinet authorised the head of housing and environment, in consultation with the head of legal and democratic, to negotiate and enter into any formal legal agreements required between South Oxfordshire District Council and Oxfordshire County Council.
Council considered the recommendation of Cabinet to include the scheme in the approved capital programme.
RESOLVED:to approve the addition of a new civil parking enforcement scheme in the approved capital programme of £60,000 as the council’s contribution to Oxfordshire County Council’s implementation costs, and to approve a revenue supplementary estimate of £30,000 in the 2020/21 budget for costs to be incurred by the council.
Treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2020/21 PDF 543 KB Cabinet, at its meeting on 3 December 2020, considered a monitoring report on the treasury management activities for the first six months of 2020/21 and an update on the current economic conditions with a view to the remainder of the year.
The Joint Audit and Governance Committee considered the report at its meeting on 26 November 2020. The committee resolved to note the treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2020/21 and was satisfied that the treasury activities are carried out in accordance with the treasury management strategy and policy.Cabinet, at its meeting on 3 December 2020, concurred with the Joint Audit and Governance Committee.
The report of the interim head of finance, which Cabinet considered on 3 December 2020, is attached.
1. note that the Joint Audit and Governance Committee is satisfied that the treasury activities have been carried out in accordance with the treasury management strategy and policy; and
2. approve the treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2020/21.
Minutes: Council considered Cabinet’s recommendations, made at its meeting on 3 December 2020, on the treasury management mid-year monitoring report for the financial year 2020/21.
The Joint Audit and Governance Committee and Cabinet had considered the head of finance’s report and were satisfied that the treasury activities had been carried out in accordance with the treasury management strategy and policy.
1. note that the Joint Audit and Governance Committee is satisfied that the treasury activities have been carried out in accordance with the treasury management strategy and policy; and 2. approve the treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2020/21.
Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee At its meeting on 18 July 2019, Council appointed Councillor Bretherton as the council’s representative on the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Councillor Simpson as substitute. Councillor Bretherton has resigned from the position and Councillor Simpson is no longer eligible to be a substitute since her appointment to Cabinet.
Council is invited to appoint a representative and a named substitute to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
RECOMMENDATION: to appoint a representative and a named substitute to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
RESOVED: to appoint Councillor Jo Robb as the representative and Councillor David Bretherton as the named substitute to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Report of the leader of the council 1. To receive the report of the leader of the council.
2. Urgent cabinet decisions
Council is requested to note the details of the following urgent decision.
Additional Restrictions Grant
On 16 November 2020, Councillor Leigh Rawlins, Cabinet member for finance, took a decision to approve South Oxfordshire District Council’s Additional Restrictions Grant Scheme attached in appendix A to the decision notice and authorise the interim head of development and regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet member for community engagement, to determine the use of remaining funding.
The chair of the Scrutiny Committee agreed to waive call in due to the Government requirement for the grant fund to open and weekly update reports to be provided by mid November 2020.
Minutes: Councillor Sue Cooper, Leader of the council, provided an update on a number of matters. The text of her address is available on the council’s website.
Council noted the details of an urgent decision taken by Councillor Leigh Rawlins, Cabinet member for finance, to approve South Oxfordshire District Council’s Additional Restrictions Grant Scheme.
Questions on notice To receive questions from councillors in accordance with Council procedure rule 33.
Question from Councillor David Bartholomew to Councillor Sue Cooper, Leader of the council.
“Residents quite rightly expect us to spend their Council Tax and use our time during Council meetings on matters relating to South Oxfordshire; would you therefore agree that:
If you do not agree with any of these points, I would be grateful if you could explain why?”
Below is the written response from Councillor Cooper, Leader of the council, circulated prior to the Council meeting held on 10 December 2020:
1. I agree in principle although I would take a broad view. It would be helpful if the proposer could set out why it is relevant to this council if it isn't obvious. 2. I provide the same answer as provided to your first question. 3. The Joint Constitution Review Group considered this issue as part of the recent review and concluded that Council procedure rule 40 must not limit the length of motions to Council. I agree that some of the background information could be given as such and doesn't necessarily need to be part of the motion, as happened with two of the motions on this evening’s agenda 4. Yes, if possible. Depends what the motion is about. The Council currently receives a monitoring report on the progress of approved motions. The July Council meeting received an update on motions adopted since May 2019.
Minutes: Question from Councillor David Bartholomew to Councillor Sue Cooper, Leader of the council
Residents quite rightly expect us to spend their Council Tax and use our time during Council meetings on matters relating to South Oxfordshire; would you therefore agree that: 1. Motions and debates should be confined to matters over which the Council has control or influence, or which directly impact upon the Council and its responsibilities. 2. Matters of national or international interest that Members may have strong views about but fail the test in 1 above are not part of Council's business and should not form part of motions. 3. Motions should not be essays or reports and should not exceed 250 words. 4. Motions should contain a call to action which can be measured or monitored, and the results should be reported back to Council. If you do not agree with any of these points, I would be grateful if you could explain why?
1. I agree in principle although I would take a broad view. It would be helpful if the proposer could set out why it is relevant to this council if it isn't obvious. 2. I provide the same answer as provided to your first question. 3. The Joint Constitution Review Group considered this issue as part of the recent review and concluded that Council procedure rule 40 must not limit the length of motions to Council. I agree that some of the background information could be given as such and doesn't necessarily need to be part of the motion, as happened with two of the motions on this evening’s agenda 4. Yes, if possible. Depends what the motion is about. The Council currently receives a monitoring report on the progress of approved motions. The July Council meeting received an update on motions adopted since May 2019.
Supplementary question
Councillor Bartholomew asked why the Liberal Democrat Group had submitted motions many of which focused on national or international issues which, whilst sincere and important, were matters for parliament and not the district council.
Councillor Cooper responded that these issues also had an impact on people living in the district. As long as the wording of the motion made clear the impact on local people, she remained content that they were submitted for consideration by Council.
Motions on notice To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Council procedure rule 38.
Motions: A. Motion to be proposed by Councillor George Levy, seconded by Councillor Peter Dragonetti The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government report entitled The Future Homes Standard 2019 Consultation on changes to Part L (conservation of fuel and power) and Part F (ventilation) of the Building Regulations for new dwellings states that: We propose introducing in 2020 a meaningful but achievable uplift to energy efficiency standards as a stepping-stone to the Future Homes Standard. The intention is to make new homes more energy efficient and to future-proof them in readiness for low carbon heating systems. The consultation sets out two options to uplift energy efficiency standards and requirements:
This Council asks that the Leader of the Council writes to the Secretary of State requesting clarity on when local authorities will be able to use either option or stronger measures to ensure developers create better homes. B. Motion to be proposed by Councillor Alexandrine Kantor, seconded by Councillor David Rouane Council notes that Trans people face significant disadvantage in society.
Council believes that:
Council therefore resolves to:
C. Motion to be proposed by Councillor Stefan Gawrysiak, seconded by Councillor David Turner
Council supports the application for a 7.5T Environmental weight limit for Henley-on-Thames and a five-mile radius to include villages along the B481. This Environmental Traffic Regulation Orderaims to protect historic buildings, enhance safety for people on narrow pavements, improve air quality in Henley and reduce pollution. It will also protect the surrounding villages by ensuring ... view the full agenda text for item 128. Minutes: A. Councillor George Levy withdrew his motion set out on the Council agenda.
B. With the agreement of Council Councillor Alexandrine Kantormoved, and Councillor David Rouane seconded an altered motion as set out below with the deleted word shown by a strikethrough and the additional word shown in bold.
Council notes that Trans people face significant disadvantage in society.
Council therefore resolves to:
A councillor expressed the view that, whilst well intentioned motion, Council should not spend time discussing matters beyond its remit.
RESOLVED: That Council notes that Trans people face significant disadvantage in society.
Council respects that:
a. Trans men are men, Trans women are women, and that non-binary genders are just as valid.
Council therefore resolves to:
C. Councillor Stefan Gawrysiakmoved, and Councillor David Turner seconded the motion as set out in the agenda at agenda item 10.
Mr David Dickie, a local resident and member of Clean Air for Henley, addressed Council in support of the motion. He stated that action needed to be taken on heavy polluted vehicles travelling through Henley to tackle air pollution in the town.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 67, which provides for a recorded vote if three members request one, the Chairman called for ... view the full minutes text for item 128. |