Decision details

Climate resilience work and climate projections

Decision Maker: Oxfordshire Local Environment Partnership

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The partnership considered a report and heard a presentation on climate projections and planning for resilience to extreme events.


Mrs Ohlenschlager explained that the Severe Weather Monitoring System allowed data to be collected on the location, impact, and cost of events to help with prediction and prevention of future events. Data about all severe weather related incidents could be collected from individuals county-wide. Current climate predictions were for warmer and less predictable climate with more and more extreme severe weather events through the year, from more heat waves to more days of heavy rain. Local authorities had good plans and procedures for emergencies but more contingency planning for dealing with the impact was required. This year there would be a full audit of the budget and management capability for dealing with the damage from weather events.


Members of the partnership commented that there was a need to be aware of the financial pressures and complexity of dealing with severe weather, and councils relied on other agencies to help get funding for protection measures. Could other countries’ methods of mitigating and coping with extremes, or historical methods of coping be used to reduce the impact of severe weather? It was better to be properly prepared for severe weather regardless of the accuracy of the predictions.  


The partnership:

1.      noted the report; and

2.      asked for a report about participating in the Severe Weather Monitoring System (SWIMS) at a future meeting of the Partnership.

Publication date: 09/07/2013

Date of decision: 28/06/2013

Decided at meeting: 28/06/2013 - Oxfordshire Local Environment Partnership

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