Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Annual Delivery Plan 2025/202620/01/2025For Determination06/03/2025
Oxfordshire Joint Leaders' Committee Terms of Reference17/01/2025For Determination25/02/2025
Annual Review of Complaints 2024/2517/01/2025For Determination01/07/2025
Revenue budget 2025/26 and capital programme 2025/26 – 2029/3010/01/2025For Determination13/02/2025
Capital strategy 2025/26 to 2034/3510/01/2025For Determination13/02/2025
Treasury management and investment strategy 2025/2610/01/2025For Determination13/02/2025
Treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2024/2510/01/2025For Determination13/02/2025
Oxfordshire Joint Leaders’ Committee Terms of Reference10/01/2025For Determination06/03/2025
Transformation of the existing café and bar areas, into a spin studio and multipurpose studio at the Didcot Wave leisure Centre in Didcot.10/01/2025For Determination07/02/2025
Revenue budget 2025/26 and capital programme 2025/26 - 2029/3009/01/2025For DeterminationBetween 23/01/2025 and 28/02/2025
Grant of an easement to facilitate cycle and pedestrian link adjacent to Luker Avenue, Henley (This decision is likely to be an exempt decision under paragraph 3 to Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972)’20/12/2024For Determination18/01/2025
Joint Nature and Climate Action Plan 2025 - 202920/12/2024For Determination06/03/2025
Council Tax - Long-term Empty Property Premium (LTEPP) duration change20/12/2024For Determination13/02/2025
To award the Joint Contract Tribunal’s (JCT) Pre-Construction Services. Agreement (PCSA) contract for Phase 3c decarbonisation projects – appointment of a contractor for design works at Park Sports Centre. To enter into an agreement with District Net06/12/2024For Determination03/01/2025
To award the Joint Contract Tribunal’s (JCT) Pre-Construction Services. Agreement (PCSA) contract for Phase 3c decarbonisation projects – appointment of a contractor for works and equipment at Didcot Wave Leisure Centre. To transfer budget from the p06/12/2024For Determination03/01/2025
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Grant Scheme Funding Approval – Hagbourne Village Hall22/11/2024For Determination20/12/2024
Service of a positive Section 25 notice on tenant of Unit G Hithercroft Industrial Estate, Wallingford to bring the current lease to an end and quote terms for a new lease. (This decision is likely to be an exempt decision under paragraph 3 to Schedu22/11/2024For Determination31/12/2024
Housing Landlord Position Statement 202522/11/2024For Determination31/01/2025
Revenue Grant Awards 2025/26 to 2026/2722/11/2024For Determination24/03/2025
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Grant Scheme Funding Approval – Wallingford Sports Trust22/11/2024For Determination20/12/2024
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Grant Scheme Funding Approval – Sustrans Phoenix Trail22/11/2024For Determination14/02/2025
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Grant Scheme Funding Approval – Didcot Town Council22/11/2024For Determination20/12/2024
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Grant Scheme Funding Approval – The Berin Centre, Berinsfield22/11/2024For Determination20/12/2024
Scrutiny review actions11/11/2024For Determination23/01/2025
Planning enforcement update11/11/2024For Determination
Award of a contract for the an elections and electoral registration printing service01/11/2024For Determination20/12/2024
Review of taxi tariff28/10/2024For Determination04/2025
Future Delivery of Leisure Management Contract (This decision is likely to be an exempt decision under paragraph 3 to Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972)28/10/2024For Determination30/01/2025
Procurement of a Microsoft Solutions Partner22/10/2024For Determination27/11/2024
116 - 120 Broadway: demolition of assets22/10/2024For Determination12/2024
Culture, Creative and Heritage Strategy04/10/2024For Determination10/04/2025
Procurement of a network supplier to support the councils' Local and Wide area networks01/10/2024For Determination10/2024
Future Direction of Cornerstone – update on action plan agreed at February 24 Cabinet18/09/2024For Determination06/03/2025
Car park fees and charges 202510/09/2024For Determination30/01/2025
Watlington Natural Flood Management Scheme23/08/2024For Determination10/2024
Contract to Unit4 for the provision of the Unit4 ERP software package08/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 05/09/2024
ICMD to approve appointment of contractor to carry out detailed design of four Didcot green infrastructure projects08/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/11/2024
Procurement Strategy and Tender Evaluation Policy26/07/2024For Determination06/03/2025
Procurement strategy11/07/2024For Determination
Corporate Plan06/06/2024For Determination
Thame Leisure Centre - Swimming Pool Support Fund, Phase II24/04/2024For Determination01/04/2025
Didcot Wave18/04/2024For Determination16/05/2024
Didcot Wave18/04/2024For Determination16/05/2024
Didcot Wave18/04/2024For Determination16/05/2024
Review of new Section 106 Affordable Housing grant funding application process07/03/2024For Determination24/03/2025
116-120 The Broadway07/03/2024For Determination24/03/2025
Budget performance07/03/2024For Determination
Cornerstone update report07/03/2024For Determination24/03/2025
Didcot Gateway07/03/2024For Determination
Integrated Care Board partnerships (ICB)07/03/2024For Determination
Council Plan 2025-202907/03/2024For Determination23/01/2025
Internal audit plan 2025/2601/02/2024For Determination25/03/2025
Internal audit update report - Q4 2024/2501/02/2024For Determination25/03/2025
Corporate risk review01/02/2024For Determination25/03/2025
Statement of accounts 2023/2401/02/2024For Determination02/2025
Treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2024/2508/01/2024For Determination27/01/2025
Treasury management strategy 2025/2608/01/2024For Determination27/01/2025
Internal audit update report - Q3 2024/2508/01/2024For Determination27/01/2025
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) annual review08/01/2024For Determination27/01/2025
Health and Safety08/01/2024For Determination27/01/2025
Thame Leisure Centre04/12/2023For Determination29/12/2023
Internal audit annual report 2024/2522/06/2023For Determination07/2025
Code of conduct annual report - 2024/2522/06/2023For Determination07/2025
Corporate plan quarterly performance report10/02/2023For Determination standing item
Internal audit update report - Q1 2025/2623/01/2023For Determination07/2025