9 Oxfordshire Growth Board Terms of Reference and Memorandum of Understanding PDF 108 KB
To consider the report of the acting deputy chief executive – partnerships.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered the report of the acting deputy chief executive – partnerships. This set out a proposal to amend the Oxfordshire Growth Board’s terms of reference and memorandum of association following a review undertaken by the Growth Board.
The adoption of these documents represented stage one of two in implementing outcomes from the Growth Board review. Subject to the new purpose and terms of reference being agreed by all six principal councils in Oxfordshire, stage two would involve a more detailed review of the Board’s operating arrangements to reflect the increasing importance of protecting the environment and tackling climate change. This included assessing how the Board interacted with emerging proposals for a local nature partnership.
The revised terms of reference had an emphasis on sustainable development and the pursuit of a zero-carbon future for Oxfordshire. The updated memorandum of association provided greater operational clarity about handling freedom of Information requests. Several minor changes had also been included to reflect the terminology and arrangements included in the revised terms of reference.
Cabinet supported the changes.
(a) approve the Oxfordshire Growth Board’s terms of reference and memorandum of association, as set out in appendices 1 and 2 to the 9 July 2020 Cabinet report of the acting deputy chief executive – partnerships; and
(b) authorise the chief executive, in consultation with the leader and the Growth Board, to make minor amendments to the terms of reference and memorandum of association, as required to support the operational efficiency of the Growth Board’s work.