Issue - meetings

Revenue grants scheme

Meeting: 05/08/2021 - Cabinet (Item 22)

22 Revenue grants scheme pdf icon PDF 247 KB

To consider the interim head of corporate services’ report. 


Cabinet considered the interim head of corporate services’ report on the future of the revenue grants scheme.  The report set out the following options:


1.          To continue with the current revenue grants scheme for 24 months (2022- 2024), with a proportion of the funding being set aside for allocation to fundraising and diversifying income streams.  The revenue grant policy would be updated to reflect the current corporate plan priorities and the scheme would be open to all local voluntary and community sector organisations to apply for grants.  Simultaneously, the council would investigate a move to a commissioning-based model from 2024-2025 onwards, budget depending. 


2.          Commissioning key advice, support and outreach services based on evidence of need and which would help deliver against the council’s corporate plan priorities.  Tenders would be invited from local voluntary and community sector organisations, which could include consortia bids to deliver the services in partnership.  Alongside this, part of the budget would be allocated to supporting new voluntary and community sector organisations to establish themselves. 


3.          Reduce the revenue grants budget and/or close the grants scheme to existing recipients and new applications. 


Cabinet considered that it was important to retain the revenue grants scheme that continued to meet both the current and emerging needs of the community, whilst ensuring the scheme supported the delivery of the council’s corporate plan priorities.  This included supporting the capacity and resilience of the voluntary and community sector to continue to deliver services for local residents.  Cabinet preferred option 1, to continue the scheme for a further 24 months, while allocating a proportion of the budget for fundraising and diversifying income streams. 


Cabinet also supported the suggestion of investigating the possibility of commissioning services in the future.  The commissioned service providers could be given goals to achieve to support the council’s corporate plan.  However, Cabinet was not supportive of increasing performance indicators as this might inhibit the service providers’ creativity. 


Cabinet also thanked the voluntary and community sector organisations in South Oxfordshire for providing valuable services to local residents. 




(a)       approve a two-year revenue grant scheme (2022-2024) that is open to all voluntary and community sector organisations across the district; and


(b)       agree to a condition that a proportion of the funding awarded is allocated to fundraising/diversifying income streams.