28 Strategic property review PDF 357 KB
To consider the report of the interim head of development and regeneration.
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Cabinet considered the interim head of development and regeneration’s report on the strategic property review. This provided an overview of all council assets and the alignment of council business, capital and property asset strategies to ensure that property assets were optimised to meet the council’s corporate plan objectives. Underpinning the delivery of the review outcomes was a land and property asset disposal policy to provide a documented process to allow the council to effectively manage its land and property assets.
Cabinet noted that the Joint Scrutiny Committee had considered the strategic property review and highly commended the report and its recommendations to Cabinet.
The Cabinet member reported that the aim of the review was to find the best use for each property owned by the council. The objectives of the corporate plan would influence decisions on the future uses of property the council wished to retain. The disposals policy would provide a transparent process for the asset management group to assess whether the council should sell any property. This would allow the council to maximise property receipts and minimise risk. It would also allow the council to undertake community asset transfers. The report also set out the proposed approach to the transfer of assets from developers to the council, which the Cabinet member supported.
Cabinet welcomed the strategic property review and recognised the volume of work undertaken. The in-sourcing of the property function had allowed the council to take full control of its portfolio and introduce better property asset management processes. It was hoped that the council could also play a role in mediating when assets were transferred from developers to parish councils.
(a) notes the update on the strategic property review;
(b) approves the Land and Property Asset Disposal policy;
(c) approves the council approach to transfer of assets from developers; and
(d) notes that in line with proposed processes set out in the Land and Property Asset Disposal Policy, an asset management group (an advisory non-decision making group) will be set up to review, check and challenge the recommendations from the strategic property review prior to formal decision being taken on disposals of assets.