58 Community Infrastructure Levy Grants Policy PDF 544 KB
To consider the head of finance’s report.
Cabinet considered the head of finance’s report, which sought approval of a one-year pilot grant scheme for the use of Community Infrastructure Levy funds.
The report had been considered by the Scrutiny Committee on 6 December, which supported the draft policy and made the following suggestions for consideration of the officers and Cabinet member:
1. There needs to be clarity on point 19 and its table – showing income and expenditure.
2. On the scoring matrix, check with the Climate Action Team on the addition of “climate adaptation” to column G scoring.
3. On the scoring matrix, column B, include gaps in provision, such as active travel.
4. Consider how the pilot scheme would be communicated.
Cabinet thanked Scrutiny Committee for its suggestions and noted that these points had been taken into account in the head of finance’s report.
In answer to questions from members, Cabinet noted that the pilot scheme could be operated within existing staff resources. Any unspent grant fund would be returned to the Community Infrastructure budget at the year end.
Councillor Cooper left the meeting at this point.
Cabinet supported the proposal for a one-year pilot grant scheme to support the delivery of local infrastructure. This would help local groups and parish councils, who should be encouraged to use the grants scheme. It was intended that £750,000 would be allocated to the scheme in 2024/25, subject to Council’s approval of the budget.
(a) approve the pilot scheme policy to award grants for delivery of infrastructure funded by the council’s Community Infrastructure Levy allocation, attached in appendix 1 to the head of finance’s report to Cabinet on 21 December 2023; and
(b) authorise the relevant head of service in consultation with the relevant Cabinet member to make minor amendments to the standard terms and conditions of the scheme.