Issue - meetings

Didcot Garden Town update, draft green infrastructure strategy and draft wayfinding strategy

Meeting: 18/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan update and next steps pdf icon PDF 323 KB

To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report. 


To update Cabinet members on progress against the approved Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan attached as appendix 1. To seek approval of the proposed Didcot Wayfinding Strategy, attached at appendix 2, and to agree the budget allocation for delivery of the signage scheme proposed in the strategy. To seek approval of the proposed Didcot Green Infrastructure Strategy, attached at appendix 3, and to agree the budget allocation for the delivery of the short- term green infrastructure enhancements as proposed in the strategy.     




1.       That Cabinet notes progress against the approved Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan attached at appendix 1.


2.       That Cabinet approve the Didcot Wayfinding Strategy attached at appendix 2.


3.       That Cabinet approve the Didcot Green Infrastructure Strategy attached at appendix 3.


4.       Subject to approval of recommendations 2 and 3, that Cabinet approve:


a)       A budget allocation of £100,925 from the unallocated Didcot Garden Town capital fund to enable implementation of the agreed wayfinding improvements.


b)       A budget allocation of £400,000 from the unallocated Didcot Garden Town capital fund to enable the implementation of the short-term green infrastructure enhancements.

Additional documents:


Cabinet received the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan update and next steps report from the head of policy and programmes. This report updated Cabinet on the progress of the delivery plan, sought approval for the Didcot Wayfinding Strategy and its budget allocation for signage, as well as seeking approval for the Didcot Green Infrastructure Strategy and its budget allocation for short-term green infrastructure enhancements.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, and Deputy Leader, Councillor Robin Bennett, presented the report and highlighted that the wayfinding improvements would unify the signage appearance around the town and could be implemented in a short timeframe to produce a quick, physical output. He also noted the green infrastructure strategy and indicated that it had focused on several high priority areas that could also be actioned quickly.


Members were pleased to see the item being brought forward and that the project management was being done effectively. They also considered the comments by the Joint Scrutiny Committee and welcomed their feedback. Cabinet also noted that a Homes England report had praised the council’s plans for the Didcot Garden Town and they welcomed the greening of the older parts of Didcot. 

As Cabinet were satisfied with the plan, noting that the wayfinding and green infrastructure would make a physical difference to the residents of Didcot, they agreed to approve the recommendations.




(a)  note the progress against the approved Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan, as set out in appendix 1 to the head of policy and programmes’ report to Cabinet on 18 April 2024;


(b)  approve the Didcot Wayfinding Strategy set out at appendix 2 to the report;


(c)  approve the Didcot Green Infrastructure Strategy set out at appendix 3 to the report;


(d)  approve a budget allocation of £100,925 from the unallocated Didcot Garden Town capital fund to enable implementation of the agreed wayfinding improvements; and


(e)  approve a budget allocation of £400,000 from the unallocated Didcot Garden Town capital fund to enable the implementation of the short-term green infrastructure enhancements.