7 Corporate Performance Report and Climate Action Plan Performance Report, Quarter 3, 2023/24 PDF 3 MB
To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report.
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Cabinet considered the corporate performance report and the climate action plan performance report for quarter 3, 2023/24, being the period October to December 2023.
Cabinet welcomed the reports and highlighted areas of the council’s achievements particularly noting the useful highlights page on page 25 of the agenda pack.
It was highlighted that feedback had been taken on board to include the dates the report applied to and to make the report more high level with links to the website where greater detail could be found. Cabinet members were encouraged to include links to the reports in their parish reports.
Cabinet also noted it had been pleased to see specific reference to the reports and how they will be used by the scrutiny committee included in the scrutiny work plan.
RESOLVED: to note the Corporate Performance Report and Climate Action Plan Performance Report for quarter 3, 2023/24.