Issue - meetings

Code of Corporate Governance

Meeting: 16/05/2024 - Council (Item 7)

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At the Joint Audit and Governance Committee meeting on the 15 April 2024, the committee recommended that Council adopt the revised local code of corporate governance and include it in the council’s constitution. The report considered by the committee is attached.


The draft minutes of the committee meeting are set out below:


“The committee received the code of corporate governance report, presented by the head of finance. He highlighted that the annual governance statements were based on the local code of good governance and that the version adopted by the councils was outdated and needed revising. The head of finance highlighted that the draft code had incorporated the latest Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy guidance, had been through the Constitution Task Review Group, and was suggested to be recommend to full council meetings for adoption and inclusion in the constitution.


In response to a question about what members could do if they believed that the councils were not compliant with the code, the head of finance indicated that they should direct these concerns in the first instance to the councils’ monitoring officer.


Overall, members welcomed the update and agreed that the revised code should be adopted by the councils”.



RECOMMENDATION: That Council adopts the revised local code of corporate governance for inclusion in the council’s constitution.



Additional documents:


Council considered the report of the head of legal and democratic on the revised local Code of Corporate Governance, which had been recommended for adoption by the Joint Audit and Governance Committee at their meeting on the 15 April 2024.


Council was satisfied with the revised code of corporate governance and agreed that it should be included in the council’s constitution.


RESOLVED: to adopt the revised local code of corporate governance attached to the report of the head of finance to the Joint Audit and Governance Committee on 15 April 2024 and include it in the council’s constitution. 

Meeting: 15/04/2024 - Joint Audit and Governance Committee (Item 52)

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To receive the report from the Head of Finance.


To consider a proposed new local code of corporate governance and recommend its adoption by each council.




That the Committee recommends the revised local code of corporate governance for adoption by each Council for inclusion in the councils’ constitution.

Additional documents:


The committee received the code of corporate governance report, presented by the head of finance. He highlighted that the annual governance statements were based on the local code of good governance and that the version adopted by the councils was outdated and needed revising. The head of finance highlighted that the draft code had incorporated the latest Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy guidance, had been through the Constitution Task Review Group, and was suggested to be recommend to full council meetings for adoption and inclusion in the constitution.


In response to a question about what members could do if they believed that the councils were not compliant with the code, the head of finance indicated that they should direct these concerns in the first instance to the councils’ monitoring officer.


Overall, members welcomed the update and agreed that the revised code should be adopted by the councils.



Vale of White Horse District Council resolved to RECOMMEND to council that the revised local code of corporate governance be adopted by the council for inclusion in the council’s constitution.


South Oxfordshire District Council resolved to RECOMMEND to council that the revised local code of corporate governance be adopted by the council for inclusion in the council’s constitution.