34 Review of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership PDF 242 KB
To receive the report from the deputy chief executive – place.
To seek cabinet members’ views on the future of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP), a statutory joint committee, and set out how to seek engagement from the wider members on that future.
(a) For Cabinet to consider the future remit of Future Oxfordshire Partnership, a statutory joint committee, and to seek engagement from all councillors on that remit in order to assist the Leader in representing the Council’s views.
(b) To note the Chief Executive’s email to DHLUC officials (sent at the request of the Leader of the Council and agreed by the Leader) setting out the Council’s request and headline position around aspects of devolution, which is likely to be a priority for any new government.
Cabinet received the Review of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP) from the deputy chief executive – place. The report sought Cabinets view on the future of the partnership and set out potential options for moving forward with the statutory joint committee.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor David Rouane, presented the report and highlighted that FOPs work around the growth deal was moving towards its completion, with Oxfordshire County Council being responsible for the final delivery of the projects. For this reason, Cabinet were being presented with the report in order to get the views of member about the future of FOP.
Cabinet discussed FOP’s structure, emphasising that the advisory groups practices of meeting in private should be changed to be more public and transparent, or for them to be removed if it was agreed that they did not contribute meaningfully to the agreed work of the FOP. It was also agreed that a review of what items FOP would be responsible for should be considered.
Members indicated that they believed a future FOP should be transparent, slimmed down, and councillor driven. Cabinet also agreed that they would like to see a reduction in the use of officer time and resources on the group, and that it should be focused on priorities set by the councils. As the Council was contributing a significant amount to the organisation, they wanted to ensure that value for money was being achieved.
Overall, Cabinet agreed for the need to review FOP and indicated that they would like the organisation to have a smaller footprint and include greater democratic accountability. In addition, members agreed with the need for the report on FOP to be sent to both the Scrutiny and Joint Audit and Governance Committee in order to allow for more members views to be included in the discussion.
(a) To consider the future remit of Future Oxfordshire Partnership, a statutory joint committee, and to seek engagement from all councillors on that remit in order to assist the Leader in representing the Council’s views.