Issue - meetings

Climate Local - update on actions

Meeting: 04/04/2014 - Oxfordshire Local Environment Partnership (Item 26)

26 Oxfordshire Environment Partnership commitments and future working pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Report attached.


Purpose:To provide an overview of current Oxfordshire Environment Partnership commitments and ask councillors to consider the format of future joint working.



Following on from the decisions of the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership, the Environment Partnership convened.


The partnership considered a report setting out current commitments and options for the format of future joint working.


Councillors agreed to retain the joint commitment to implement the actions in the agreed Joint Municipal Waste Strategy and to transfer oversight of these to the environment partnership.


They noted the need for a new agreement between the six partner authorities to formalise the partnership’s remit and operation.


They suggested that a new name might be appropriate to reflect the change in status and remit of the Environment Partnership.


They noted that arrangements would be put in place to review the current Climate Local commitments and send the final report to the Local Government Association in August 2014.


They noted the successful completion of the Ardley energy from waste site and requested an opportunity to visit the site.


The partnership noted that under the waste partnership agreement, the chairmanship of the partnership (and consequently the environment partnership) would have moved to Vale of White Horse District Council at the annual meeting. The partnership agreed that Mr Reg Waite be elected chairman of the Oxfordshire Environment Partnership with immediate effect.




·          that the six local authorities continue to work together in partnership to reduce waste and carbon dioxide emissions;

·          that the waste commitments drawn from the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy be included within the Environment Partnership remit;

·          that the Environment Partnership meet at least every six months;

·          that Councillor Waite take over the chairmanship of the Environment Partnership from the close of this meeting;

·          that a new name should be agreed for the Partnership to reflect the change in status and remit of the Environment Partnership

·          to thank David Dodds for his chairmanship since June 2012;

·          that the next meeting of the Environment Partnership is 24 October 2014 in the council offices at Crowmarsh unless otherwise notified.

Meeting: 22/03/2013 - Oxfordshire Local Environment Partnership (Item 28)

28 Climate Local - update on actions pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report attached                                                                              10 minutes


Purpose: Having signed the Climate Local Commitment at the last meeting, to discuss and seek agreement about the Climate Local Pledges to be published by each authority individually.


The partnership discussed a report setting out the proposed commitments and actions to be included and reported on as part of the Climate Local process.


It was noted that these were drawn from existing commitments and actions undertaken by partner authorities. A more challenging set of commitments could be agreed in future.


The partnership agreed:

1.      to note that no additional resource implications arising from implementing this agreement;

2.      as individual authorities to agree the Climate Local commitments in the appendix to the report and report this decision to the Environment and Energy Strategy Officer by 30 April;

3.      that the commitments agreed by all partner authorities be published on the climate local website as commitments of the whole partnership, and that commitments agreed by some but not all partner authorities be published as such;

4.      to ask officers to develop proposals for further actions to add to the commitments in due course