Issue - meetings

Leader of Council report

Meeting: 15/05/2014 - Council (Item 8)

Leader of Council report

The Leader of Council will report on any changes to Cabinet membership, allocation of portfolios or the executive scheme of delegation and outside body appointments.



The Leader of Council advised Council that she had appointed Mrs Anna Badcock as Deputy Leader and Ms Lynn Lloyd as an additional Cabinet member with responsibility for IT and technical services. She thanked Rev’d Angie Paterson for her hard work and commitment during her time as deputy leader and advised of the following portfolio responsibilities:


Mrs Ducker - HR, customer services, legal and democratic (except community safety), Didcot, corporate strategy (except waste and parks and grants)


Mrs Badcock - deputy leader, health and housing


Rev’dPaterson – planning (including building control)


Mr Dodds - finance, waste and parks


Ms Lynn Lloyd – IT and technical services


Mrs Nimmo-Smith - economic development and property


Mr Service – leisure, grants and community safety