32 OxLEP Strategic Economic Plan PDF 205 KB
At its meeting on 6 October 2016 Cabinet will consider a report on the OxLEP Strategic Economic Plan (SEP). As part of that report Cabinet will consider the Joint Scrutiny Committee request that Cabinet defer its response to the SEP pending its consideration by Council. If Cabinet agree to this request Council will be invited to consider the SEP.
The report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing, which Cabinet will consider on 6 October, is attached.
Additional documents:
A. Dr Richard Harding, on behalf of Need Not Greed Oxfordshire, addressed Council and spoke to the following statement circulated to councillors prior to the meeting:
We welcome the decision taken at the Vale and South Joint Scrutiny Committee Meeting, endorsed by Cabinet last week that the revised SEP Refresh should be considered at Full Council. We have for some time demanded that our locally elected representatives have the opportunity to consider this most important of issues.
Today, local councillors have the chance to engage in robust debate on the revised SEP Refresh. We urge you take this final opportunity before the SEP Refresh is signed off, to seriously consider the impact that this plan will have on the future of Oxfordshire.
Need not Greed Oxfordshire believe the time has come for our Local Authorities to take full responsibility for the overall growth figures in the revised SEP 2016.
We are deeply concerned at the ‘pass-the-parcel’ game being played by OxLEP and our district and county councils, with each blaming the other for the inflated and unrealistic targets for employment and housing.
We believe this plan sets very damaging and unrealistic growth targets which would radically change Oxfordshire’s communities and environment - today, you - our elected representatives, have the opportunity to have your say.
If your answer to any of these questions is NO, we urge you to speak out against OxLEP’s Strategic Economic Plan as currently drafted at today’s meeting.
Need not Greed Oxon want to see an alternative approach to growth in our county.
We are calling for a review of the economic growth figures and by association the housing figures, for the county outlined in the revised SEP Refresh, in the light of:
Our question to you today is:
As our elected representative, will you take a stand today and help force re-consideration of these overly aggressive and unrealistic growth targets that make no allowances for Brexit and that take little account of environmental ... view the full minutes text for item 32
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To consider the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing.
Cabinet considered the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing. This summarised the revised draft Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan, which the council had been asked to comment on by its author, the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership. The report highlighted the key points in the document, outlined issues that had already been raised during the formal consultation that had not been fully addressed in the revised draft, and recommended a response to the Local Enterprise Partnership. The Joint Scrutiny Committee had also considered the revised draft plan and suggested a number of improvements. The committee had also recommended that Cabinet referred the plan to the Council for debate.
Cabinet concurred with the suggestions that the revised draft plan should be subject to a Council debate before the leader submitted his formal response to the consultation. Cabinet suggested that the chief executive of the Local Enterprise Partnership should be invited to address Council to answer some of the key points made in the report.
RECOMMENDED to Council to endorse the decision of Cabinet to:
(i) welcome some of the changes made to the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan which seek to make it “shorter and clearer”, and acknowledges that this has largely been achieved;
(ii) support the broad thrust of the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan document in terms of the stated vision, identified strengths weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and proposed actions; and
(iii) believe the document would be more robust if it:
· more fully addressed the issues highlighted in the body of the Cabinet report,
· more clearly linked actions to identified issues, and confirmed where responsibility lies for implementing these various actions,
and to note that the Leader will take account of points raised at Council in responding to the consultation.