63 Allocation of Didcot Garden Town Grant PDF 204 KB
To consider the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing.
Cabinet considered the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing. This suggested how the £1.02 million Department of Communities and Local Government section 31 grant should be spent to realise the vision of the Didcot Garden Town project.
Cabinet supported the proposed budget allocation appended to the report, and noted that this would be subject to audit and close scrutiny both within the council and by the government department.
RESOLVED: to authorise the Head of Development, Regeneration and Housing, in consultation with the head of legal and democratic services, if necessary as an exception to contract procedure rules, to use the £1.02m to establish budgets, employ staff and commission and pay for works necessary to deliver the core objectives of the “Didcot Garden Town” project – in accordance with the proposed budget allocation set out in Appendix 1a to the report to Cabinet on 6 October 2016.