Venue: All Saints Room, Didcot Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot, OX11 7JN
Contact: Darius Zarazel Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Chair's announcements To receive any announcements from the chair. Minutes: The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, outlined the procedure to be followed and advised on emergency evacuation arrangements. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sam Casey-Rerhaye, Georgina Heritage, and Pieter-Paul Barker, who attended the meeting virtually. |
To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 18 April 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2024 as a correct record and agree that the Chair sign them as such.
Declarations of interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Urgent business To receive notification of any matters which the chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |
Public participation To receive any questions or statements from members of the public that have registered to speak. Minutes: There were no registered speakers for any item of the agenda. |
To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report. Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet received the Corporate Performance Report and Climate Action Plan Performance Report, quarter four 2023/24 from the head of policy and programmes.
The Cabinet member for corporate services, Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye, presented the two documents. She highlighted that they were the last reports against the current corporate plan, ending 2024, and that the subsequent reports would be laid out in a new format and include a more streamlined presentation. These new reports would be called ‘the way ahead’.
Cabinet, satisfied with the performance reports and the councils progress, agreed to note the documents.
RESOLVED: that Cabinet notes the Corporate Performance Report and Climate Action Plan Performance Reports – Quarter four, 2023/24.
To consider the report of the head of development and corporate landlord.
This report provides information for Cabinet members to consider the responses received from the consultation exercise on the draft 2024 car parking order, and to make a decision on what changes to make to the new 2024 Car Parking Order.
Recommendations: that cabinet:
(a) Considers the responses received following the consultation exercise on the South Oxfordshire District Council proposed car parking order for 2024.
(b) Subject to cabinet members views, delegates authority to the Head of Development and Corporate Landlord to make any amendments to the order and to implement Option One for the Goldsmiths Lane Car Park.
(c) Authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to proceed with the new order and to determine the date it comes into effect.
Minutes: Cabinet received the Car Park Order report from the head of development and corporate landlord. This report outlined the responses received from a consultation on the draft 2024 car parking order and looked to inform Cabinet about what changes to make on the new 2024 car parking order.
The Cabinet member for the environment, Councillor Sam James-Lawrie, highlighted that, as Oxfordshire County Council were changing on-street parking restrictions in Wheatley, they requested that the council introduce a new permit scheme for the area.
The councils draft order also proposed a change to the fees of the Goldsmiths Lane car park in Wallingford in order to align the car park with the Cattlemarket car park. These changes included moving the free parking period to one hour, extending the charging period to between 8am and 6pm, and introducing charges on Sundays. In addition, the cabinet member for the environment indicated that the Goldsmiths Lane car park was partly owned by South Oxfordshire District Council, Wallingford Town Council, and Beechcroft Developments Limited. Wallingford Town Council were consulted on the proposals, agreeing to the changes in daily fees but not to charging hours, fee period, or Sunday fees.
The Cabinet member for the environment outlined the three options put to Cabinet in the report, noting that options one and two would bring in more income to the council whereas option three would not and would likely go against the statutory guidance from the Department for Transport.
Members discussed the three options and agreed that option one was preferable, allowing for negotiations on the charging period with Wallingford Town Council to be carried out over the year. Cabinet noted that if negotiations were not successful, they could then explore more options in the next order.
Overall, Cabinet was satisfied with the consultation and agreed to implement option one in the officer’s report.
RESOLVED: that Cabinet:
(a) Considered the responses received following the consultation exercise on the South Oxfordshire District Council proposed car parking order for 2024.
(b) Delegates authority to the Head of Development and Corporate Landlord to make any amendments to the order and to implement Option One for the Goldsmiths Lane Car Park.
(c) Authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to proceed with the new order and to determine the date it comes into effect.
Delivery of public space CCTV To receive the report from the head of communities.
To seek agreement from Cabinet on the proposal to enter the Thames Valley CCTV Partnership and the creation of an Oxfordshire CCTV hub for the future provision of public space CCTV.
Recommendations: That Cabinet
(a) Agree to the proposed approach for the delivery of public space CCTV in South Oxfordshire.
(b) Authorise the Head of Communities to negotiate and agree the agreement with Thames Valley Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for the future provision on public space CCTV making any minor changes they deem necessary, and undertaking and considering any consultation required. Minutes: Cabinet received the delivery of public space CCTV report from the head of communities. The report sought agreement for Cabinet to enter the Thames Valley CCTV Partnership and for the creation of the Oxfordshire CCTV hub.
The Cabinet member for communities, Councillor Georgina Heritage, presented the report and highlighted that there was a desire from Oxfordshire councils and Thames Valley Police for a shared CCTV control room. Following a report tabled by the local Police and Crime Commissioner outlining a new vision and proposal, a shared control room based in Abingdon was proposed and the Cabinet member encouraged Cabinet to adopt the proposal.
The ownership of CCTV assets would be transferred to Thames Valley Police, who would also be responsible for their repair, maintenance, and staffing of the centre. The Cabinet member indicated that the Council would be responsible for the pole which CCTV cameras would be posted on and the electricity feeding them. The Cabinet member also indicated that the proposal would provide benefits for all partners, provide revenue savings, and reduce the council’s administrative burden.
The Cabinet member highlighted that the proposal would require ongoing contributions from all parties to the agreement and that a governance board would be established, chaired by the Police and Crime Commissioner, to discuss the need for new cameras.
Cabinet was satisfied with the suggested approach, recognising the benefits of centralising the CCTV administration and for the camera’s adoption by the police. For these reasons, they agreed to the proposed approach outlined in the report for the delivery of public space CCTV in South Oxfordshire.
RESOLVED: that Cabinet:
(a) Agree to the proposed approach for the delivery of public space CCTV in South Oxfordshire as describe in the report of the Head of Communities.
(b) Authorise the Head of Communities to negotiate and agree the agreement with Thames Valley Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for the future provision on public space CCTV making any minor changes they deem necessary, and undertaking and considering any consultation required.
Local Authority Housing Fund: Round 3 To receive the report from the head of finance.
To allow the council to accept additional grant funding which has been made available under the latest round of Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) funding. This will further support the provision of housing for the council’s refugee accommodation programme, building on previous rounds which the council has taken advantage of.
(a) To accept the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ grant of £840,500 (indicative Local Authority Housing Fund 3 allocation) to deliver four homes that meet the eligibility criteria outlined within the Local Authority Housing Fund 3 prospectus, and to authorise the head of finance in consultation with the chief executive or their nominated officer to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, which sets out the understanding between both parties for the use of funding.
(b) To recommend to Council to add £1.864million to the approved capital programme, part funded by Local Authority Housing Fund 3 funding of £840,500 to purchase four homes under this scheme. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet received the Local Authority Housing Fund: Round three report, from the head of finance. The report sought agreement from Cabinet to allow the Council to accept additional grant funding which had been made available from the latest round of Local Authority Housing Fund funding.
The Cabinet member for finance and property assets, Councillor Pieter-Paul Barker, presented the report and highlighted that council had participated in both rounds 1 and 2 of the Local Authority Housing Fund scheme. He noted that round 3 required a contribution in addition to the central government grant, and that if Cabinet agreed, the total figure would amount to £1.864m that would be used to purchase four homes.
Members discussed where the funds for the Councils contribution would come from and the Cabinet member indicated that it would be a part of the capital programme, to be approved by full council.
Cabinet welcomed the additional round and noted that it would allow the council to provide at least one unit of temporary accommodation, as well as other affordable units. Members highlighted that these units would provide significant benefits to the residents of the district, particularly those at risk of homelessness.
Overall, as members were satisfied with the report, they agreed to accept the additional Local Authority Housing Fund funding and recommend that Council approve the additional funding for the capital programme to purchase the homes under the scheme.
(a) To accept the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ grant of £840,500 (indicative Local Authority Housing Fund 3 allocation) to deliver four homes that meet the eligibility criteria outlined within the Local Authority Housing Fund 3 prospectus, and to authorise the head of finance in consultation with the chief executive or their nominated officer to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, which sets out the understanding between both parties for the use of funding.
(b) To recommend to Council to add £1.864million to the approved capital programme, part funded by Local Authority Housing Fund 3 funding of £840,500 to purchase four homes under this scheme.
Oxfordshire Councils Charter To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report.
To update Cabinet members on the development of the Oxfordshire Councils Charter attached at appendix 1. To endorse the charter and become a signatory party along with other councils in Oxfordshire.
That Cabinet endorses the Oxfordshire Councils Charter and agrees to be a signatory.
Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet received the Oxfordshire Councils Charter from the head of policy and programmes. The report updated Cabinet on the development of the charter and recommended that it be endorsed and that South Oxfordshire District Council become a signatory party.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor David Rouane, presented the report and highlighted that it was the outcome of a meeting between Oxfordshire County Council and parish councils. The councils agreed to implement a formal agreement between the Oxfordshire parish councils and the principal authorities about how the parishes would be consulted.
Cabinet noted that South Oxfordshire had been communicating with their parishes often and well, with district council members regularly attending parish council meetings. However, the charter would formalise this relationship for all principal authorities, including the County Council.
Cabinet, satisfied with the report, agreed to endorse the Oxfordshire Councils Charter and become a signatory.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet endorses the Oxfordshire Councils Charter and agrees to be a signatory.
Review of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership To receive the report from the deputy chief executive – place.
To seek cabinet members’ views on the future of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP), a statutory joint committee, and set out how to seek engagement from the wider members on that future.
(a) For Cabinet to consider the future remit of Future Oxfordshire Partnership, a statutory joint committee, and to seek engagement from all councillors on that remit in order to assist the Leader in representing the Council’s views.
(b) To note the Chief Executive’s email to DHLUC officials (sent at the request of the Leader of the Council and agreed by the Leader) setting out the Council’s request and headline position around aspects of devolution, which is likely to be a priority for any new government.
Minutes: Cabinet received the Review of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP) from the deputy chief executive – place. The report sought Cabinets view on the future of the partnership and set out potential options for moving forward with the statutory joint committee.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor David Rouane, presented the report and highlighted that FOPs work around the growth deal was moving towards its completion, with Oxfordshire County Council being responsible for the final delivery of the projects. For this reason, Cabinet were being presented with the report in order to get the views of member about the future of FOP.
Cabinet discussed FOP’s structure, emphasising that the advisory groups practices of meeting in private should be changed to be more public and transparent, or for them to be removed if it was agreed that they did not contribute meaningfully to the agreed work of the FOP. It was also agreed that a review of what items FOP would be responsible for should be considered.
Members indicated that they believed a future FOP should be transparent, slimmed down, and councillor driven. Cabinet also agreed that they would like to see a reduction in the use of officer time and resources on the group, and that it should be focused on priorities set by the councils. As the Council was contributing a significant amount to the organisation, they wanted to ensure that value for money was being achieved.
Overall, Cabinet agreed for the need to review FOP and indicated that they would like the organisation to have a smaller footprint and include greater democratic accountability. In addition, members agreed with the need for the report on FOP to be sent to both the Scrutiny and Joint Audit and Governance Committee in order to allow for more members views to be included in the discussion.
(a) To consider the future remit of Future Oxfordshire Partnership, a statutory joint committee, and to seek engagement from all councillors on that remit in order to assist the Leader in representing the Council’s views.
Exclusion of the Public To consider whether to exclude members of the press and public from the meeting for the following items of business under Section 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended on the grounds that: (i) It is likely that there will be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A, and (ii) the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes: RESOLVED: to exclude members of the press and public from the meeting for the following item of business under Part 1 of Schedule 12A Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 and as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 on the grounds that:
i. it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and
ii. the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
Recommendations and updates from other committees To receive an update on recent committee recommendations. Minutes: Cabinet received the recommendations and comments from the Joint Scrutiny Committee meeting, held on 4 June 2024, about the Five Council Partnership item. Cabinet also received the recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee, held on 12 June, about the New Waste Vehicle Depot Site item.
These suggestions and recommendations were considered under each relevant item on the Cabinet agenda.
Five Councils Partnership To consider the report of the deputy chief executive – partnerships. Minutes: Cabinet received the Five Councils Partnership report from the deputy chief executive – partnership.
Cabinet discussed the report, noting the comments from the Joint Scrutiny Committee, and agreed to the officers’ recommendations. |
New Waste Vehicle Depot Site To consider the head of development and corporate landlord’s report. Minutes: Cabinet received the new waste vehicle depot site from the head of development and corporate landlord.
Cabinet discussed the report, noting the comments from the Scrutiny Committee, and agreed to the officers’ recommendations. |
Application for Section 106 Grant Funding by Soha Ltd To consider the report of the head of housing and environment. Minutes: Cabinet received the Application for Grant Funding by Soha Housing Ltd – Windmill Road, Thame, from the head of housing and environment.
Cabinet discussed the report and agreed to the officers’ recommendations.