Venue: Committee Room 4, South Oxfordshire District Council Offices. View directions
Contact: Mrs Jennifer Thompson Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Declaration of disclosable pecuniary interests Minutes: There were no declarations. |
Addresses to the committee Members of the public may address the committee for up to five minutes about the items on the agenda provided they have registered to speak by contacting democratic services by noon on Monday 13 January. Contact details are at the top of this agenda. Minutes: There were no addresses. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 39 KB Minutes of the meeting of 8 July 2013(attached) Minutes: RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2013 as a correct record and agree that the Chairman sign them as such. |
Street trading policy: draft for consultation PDF 50 KB Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services (attached).
Purpose: to consider the revised street trading policy for public consultation. Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered the report from the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, which set out a revised street trading policy for consideration. The council had adopted its Street Trading Consent policy in 2009 and this required revision to improve the consultation process and encompass peripatetic traders. The committee was asked to consider the draft policy and agree that it should be the subject of a public consultation exercise.
Mr Robert Draper, Licensing Team Leader, introduced the report, answered questions from the committee, and proposed a number of minor amendments for their consideration.
The committee supported the proposed policy with the following changes prior to going out to consultation: · Paragraph 5.6(e) and paragraph 7.2 fourth bullet point - amend to make consistent in prohibiting street trading within 100 metres of the boundary of a school or college between the hours of 07:30 to 18:00 hours. · Paragraph 5.6(h) – amend to require applicants for stalls or vehicles selling food to hold a current Level 2 Food Hygiene or Food Safety Certificate. · Paragraph 5.9 – amend fourth bullet point to read ‘food hygiene or safety certificates’. · Paragraph 5.12 – amend sixth bullet point to read ‘food hygiene or safety certificates’. · Paragraph 8.1 first bullet point - amend to allow traders to remain in a location for 72 hours to cover longer events over bank holiday weekends. · Annex 1 paragraph 11 and Annex 2 paragraph 15 – amend both paragraphs to read ‘The consent holder’s vehicle shall be maintained in a roadworthy condition, taxed, insured and possess a current MOT certificate if required.’ · Annex 1 paragraph 13 – amend to read ‘The consent holder’s vehicle or stall shall not exceed 8 metres in length, 3 metres in width and 3.5 metres in height when travelling. Awnings, canopies, hatch covers and serving shelves must not extend more than 2 metres from the vehicle or stall.’ · Annex 2 paragraph 17 – amend to read ‘The consent holder’s vehicle shall not exceed 8 metres in length, 3 metres in width and 3.5 metres in height when travelling. Awnings, canopies, hatch covers and serving shelves must not extend more than 2 metres from the vehicle.’ · Annex 1 paragraph 16 and Annex 2 paragraph 20 – amend both paragraphs to read ‘All staff involved in the preparation of food shall hold a current Level 2 food safety or food hygiene certificate, accredited by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, the Royal Society of Health, or the Royal institute of Public Health and Hygiene.’ · Annex 1 paragraph 21 and Annex 2 paragraph 24 – amend both paragraphs to read ‘The consent holder shall comply with the Equality Act 2010, ensuring they do not discriminate, harass or victimise customers or staff during the course of their trading. They shall also ensure that disabled people and wheelchair users can be adequately served. This may involve serving persons from outside the vehicle.’
RESOLVED: to (a) agree the proposed street trading policy for public consultation, subject to the amendments ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |