Agenda item

Addresses to the committee

Ward councillors may attend to address the committee for up to five minutes about applications in their ward.


Members of the public may attend to address the committee for up to five minutes about any of the applications considered at item, provided they have registered with democratic services by noon on Monday 24 June.


The committee heard addresses from the applicants, ward councillors, and other registered speakers as summarised below.


Sandford on Thames Parish Council


Two representatives of the parish council spoke in support of the application for a grant to redevelop the village hall to provide improved community facilities in the village. These would include a refurbished hall, community shop and community pub. They answered questions from the committee.


Mr John Cotton, ward councillor, spoke in support of the application.


St John the Evangelist, Stoke Row, Parochial Church Council


Two representatives of the parish church spoke in support of the application for a grant to provide a kitchen and toilet in an extension to the church building to improve facilities for the school, church, and wider community. They answered questions from the committee.


East Hagbourne Parish Council


One representative of the parish council spoke in support of the application for a grant to replace the pavilion to provide satisfactory changing facilities. He answered questions from the committee.


Warborough Parish Council


Two representatives of the parish council spoke in support of the application for a grant to refurbish the Greet Hall to provide a modern, more energy efficient large meeting space for the community. They answered questions from the committee.


St Mary’s Church, Chalgrove


Two representatives of the parish church spoke in support of the application for a grant to reorder and renovate the interior of the church to provide a space for community groups, music and drama performances, and better facilities for tourists viewing the medieval ward paintings. They answered questions from the committee.


Chalgrove Parish Council


Two representatives of the parish council spoke in support of the application for a grant to replace and increase the play equipment on the recreation ground to provide up to date equipment for a wider age range. They answered questions from the committee.


The clerk read out a written statement from Mr David Turner, ward councillor, supporting the application.


Baldons and Nuneham Courtenay Community Society Limited


Two representatives of the parish council spoke in support of the application for a grant to redevelop the dining room at the Seven Stars community pub to provide increased space for dining, increase the viability of the pub, and generate funding for the longer-term aims of the Society. They answered questions from the committee.


Mrs Elizabeth Gillespie, ward councillor, spoke in support of the application.


The Friends of Horspath


Two representatives of the parish council spoke in support of the application for a grant to purchase the former Methodist chapel for use as a community building. They answered questions from the committee.


Parish Councillor Mr Harris explained that the extant planning permission for the extension to the village hall would not provide the same facilities, and outlined the parish council’s commitments which prevented it from purchasing the chapel. He said that there was strong community support for the project. He answered questions from the committee.


Mr Roger Bell, ward councillor, spoke in support of the application.

The clerk read out a written statement from Mrs Janet Carr, ward councillor, supporting the application.


Great Milton Recreation Ground


Representatives of the recreation ground committee were unable to attend.


Thame Players Theatre Company


Two representatives of the theatre company spoke in support of the application for a grant to improve the heating, improve access to a larger stage, and reorder the balcony to improve access and sight lines in the existing theatre building to allow the company to stage a wider variety of productions and increase capacity. They answered questions from the committee.


Mrs Ann Midwinter, ward councillor, spoke in support of the application.


Beckley and Stowood Parish Council


Two representatives of the parish council spoke in support of the application for a grant to replace the existing village hall, which was reaching the end of its life, to provide a modern community facility and satisfactory changing facilities for sports teams using the adjacent pitches. They answered questions from the committee.


The committee adjourned at 12.30pm.