Agenda item

P19/S2814/FUL - 2A Littleworth, OX33 1TR

Erection of dwelling with associated access and landscaping works (as amended by drawing PA02 Rev C altering access and car port and amplified by vehicle tracking plan accompanying email from agent received 20 November 2019).


The committee considered application P19/S2814/FUL for the erection of a dwelling with associated access and landscaping works (as amended by drawing PA02 Rev C altering access and car port and amplified by vehicle tracking plan accompanying email from agent received 20 November 2019) at 2A Littleworth.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that planning permission had been refused and dismissed at appeal in 2003 on the grounds of a cramped and unneighbourly development.  Highways considerations were not part of the reasons for refusal. Some of the present neighbour responses related to highways safety and drainage concerns. A recent speed survey indicated an average traffic speed of 20 mph from the east.  The drainage engineer had no objection following additional information being provided and subject to conditions relating to surface water and foul water drainage being submitted and approved.


Councillor Alexandrine Kantor, a local ward member, spoke objecting to the application. The Councillor supported the Wheatley Parish Council’s objection, including concerns regarding the safeguarding of the nearby stream, highways concerns and the need to protect a countryside corridor used by bats.



The planning officer responded to questions from the Committee relating to the manoeuvrability for vehicles on the property and the environmental impact of the surrounding area. A plan showing the manoeuvring of vehicles on the site was displayed at the meeting. The planning officer explained that vehicles would be able to enter and go to the front of the property and turn around. The end of the driveway  would be levelled and hedges pruned to enable oncoming traffic to have a good visibility. The planning officer also explained that an ecological survey depicted primary habitats on the surrounding grassland and the nearby stream and explained that the proposed property was no closer to the stream than the neighbouring house. The Council’s ecologist considered that the siting of the property was acceptable but that it was expedient to require a construction exclusion zone during the building phase to minimise impacts on the stream.  A planning condition prohibiting external lighting to the exterior of the property would prevent lighting nuisance to neighbouring properties.


The committee had concerns regarding access, a cramped plot, loss of biodiversity, increased traffic levels since 2003, manoeuvring of vehicles on the site and being contrary to Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan. The planning officer reported that the Neighbourhood Plan was not adopted and the referendum upon it had been delayed by the Covid-19 situation. Nevertheless, it held significant weight at this time, which could be referred to in the event of a refusal decision.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission failed by a majority vote.


The committee considered that the proposal represented a cramped overdevelopment, causing harm to the character of the area and unsatisfactory access and parking arrangements.


A motion proposed and seconded, to refuse planning permission was declared carried upon being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to refuse planning permission for application P19/S2814/FUL for the following reasons:


1.         Harmful effect on local character and overdevelopment of the site.

2.         Inadequacy of access arrangements to the property manoeuvring issues.


Supporting documents: