Agenda item

P19/S2503/O - Haseley End, Rectory Road, Great Haseley, OX44 7JL

Demolition of existing building and garages. Construction of a terrace of 3 new dwellings, car parking and new vehicle crossover with access, appearance, layout and scale to be determined at this stage. (As amended by plan 103 Rev A (landscaping) and plans received 24 October 2019 reducing the number of units from 4 to 3. Reduction in number of parking spaces, alteration to design and materials of dwellings, by Heritage Statement dated December 2019 and  by plans C781 100C, 102B and 101B which reduces the size of the development to 2 x 3 bed units and 1 x 1 bed units and removes the proposed new access. As amplified by tree protection details received on 3 April, 2020).


Councillor Lorraine Hillier left the meeting prior to the consideration of this item.


The committee considered application P19/S2503/O for the demolition of existing building and garages. Construction of a terrace of 3 new dwellings, car parking and new vehicle crossover with access, appearance, layout and scale to be determined at this stage. (As amended by plan 103 Rev A (landscaping) and plans received 24 October 2019 reducing the number of units from 4 to 3. Reduction in number of parking spaces, alteration to design and materials of dwellings, by Heritage Statement dated December 2019 and  by plans C781 100C, 102B and 101B which reduces the size of the development to 2 x 3 bed units and 1 x 1 bed units and removes the proposed new access. As amplified by tree protection details received on 3 April, 2020) at Haseley End, Rectory Road, Great Haseley.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The planning officer reported that the site lay on the south western edge of Great Haseley outside, but immediately adjacent to, the Great Haseley conservation area. It was also reported that the application, in its amended form, sought outline planning permission to erect a terrace of 3 dwellings. Access, appearance, layout and scale of the development were to be considered at the outline stage with landscaping only to be considered at the reserved matters stage. The Oxfordshire County Council, the highways authority, originally had a holding objection to the application. However, at the present time, on the basis of amended plans, they had no objection, subject to requiring conditions relating to the existing vehicular access, parking and manoeuvring areas being retained and no surface water drainage to the highway.


The planning officer reported that there had been concerns regarding the remains of a pond which was originally on the site and whether this would affect building works. Building control officers had confirmed that there would not be an issue with implementation, providing that site investigations were made and that design documentation was shared with them.


The requirement for a construction management scheme had been considered. The highways authority had concluded that any such traffic was likely to be minor and infrequent, and that such a scheme for an application of this small scale would be unnecessary, unenforceable and unreasonable.


The planning officer reported that notwithstanding the original objection of the forestry officer to the application’s plans, that officer had viewed the amended plans and had confirmed that they had now addressed concerns relating to sufficient landscaping opportunities and was ‘satisfied the proposed layout is arboriculturally acceptable’.


In response to a question from the committee about the siting of the parking spaces, their possible small size and impractical siting, the planning officer reported that the forestry officer had carefully examined the layout and had recommended some tree preservation orders and the removal of some poorer quality trees.  The highways authority also accepted the parking scheme.


Great Haseley Parish Council had advised the committee that their representative was unable to speak to the application, owing to technical communication difficulties and requested that their statement on the application be shared with the committee as an emergency alternative. The statement was emailed to the committee immediately prior to the meeting.  In addition, the democratic services officer read out the statement to the committee and arranged for it to be placed on the council website.


The planning officer reported that officers had concluded that the principle of redeveloping this site for residential use was acceptable within the criteria of policy H4 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (SOLP), which allowed for housing on sites within the built-up areas of the 4 main towns of the district.  In its amended form, the proposal would not adversely affect the setting of listed buildings or the conservation area. The proposal would not be unacceptable in terms of neighbour amenity and would not result in issues of highway safety. A reserved matters application would be required to address both soft and hard landscaping within the site.  Subject to the recommended conditions, the proposal accorded with development plan policies and government advice.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P19/S2503/O subject to the following conditions:


1.         Commencement – outline reserved matters.

2.         Approved plans.

3.         Schedule of materials.

4.         Withdrawal of PD Class A.

5.         Withdrawal of PD Class E.

6.         Existing vehicular access.

7.         Parking and manoeuvring areas retained.

8.         No surface water drainage to highway.

9.         Tree protection.

10.       Provide hedge planting.

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