Agenda item

P19/S3206/FUL - Comus, Howberry Lane, near Nuffield, RG9 5SU

Erection of a replacement two-storey 4-bedroom detached dwelling with associated access and a detached double garage (design of dwelling and external areas revised as shown on amended documents received 4th February 2020 and revised design & access statement and arboricultural information provided 11th March 2020 and 17th March 2020).


The committee considered application P19/S3206/FUL for the erection of a replacement two-storey 4-bedroom detached dwelling with associated access and a detached double garage (design of dwelling and external areas revised as shown on amended documents received 4th February 2020 and revised design & access statement and arboricultural information provided 11th March 2020 and 17th March 2020) at Comus, Howberry Lane, near Nuffield.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The democratic services officer advised the committee that the applicant, Mr Trotman, had registered to speak, but was unable to join the meeting owing to technical communication difficulties. He had submitted a statement several days before the meeting, which had been circulated to the committee and published on the council website. Mr. Trotman would attempt to watch the broadcast of the committee’s proceedings as a member of the public.  The democratic services officer also advised the committee that Nuffield Parish Council had just informed officers that Cllr. David Passmore would speak on behalf that council on this application.


The planning officer reported that although the existing dwelling had already been demolished, it was a material planning consideration that the planning permission (P17/S2900/FUL) for a replacement dwelling was live, and therefore provided a fallback position.  It was also reported that Criterion (iii) of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (SOLP) 2011 Policy H12 specified a 10% volume increase limit for replacement dwellings. A volume of 979 cubic metres was proposed.  This equated to an increase in volume of 22.5%, which would exceed the 10% increase limit. Planning officers had concluded that the proposed dwelling would be materially greater in volume. However, the applicant had demonstrated on the amended plans that the additional volume would be offset, as the proposed dwelling would be both lower in height (0.85 metres lower) and positioned further away from the public footpath, than the approved dwelling (ranging from 3.2 to 5.4 metres further back). In the officers’ opinion, in spite of the proximity of the public right of way, the dwelling would not be significantly more prominent in wider public views than the approved dwelling, and would be seen in the context of the group of buildings. The planning officer also advised the committee that the development would have no impact on trees which were the subject of tree preservation orders.


Cllr. David Passmore, a representative of Nuffield Parish Council, spoke, objecting to the application.


The planning officer concluded that whilst the proposed development could conflict with the volume criterion of Policy H12, the proposed dwelling would not have an overall greater impact on the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty than the dwelling that had the benefit of an extant permission. It would safeguard the residential amenity of adjoining occupiers and would not be prejudicial to highway safety and important trees.  Subject to the conditions recommended, it would be in accordance with development plan policies, supplementary planning guidance and government guidance.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P19/S3206/FUL subject to the following conditions:


1.         Commencement three years - Full Planning Permission

2.         Approved plans

3.         Levels details required prior to commencement

4.         Schedule of materials required prior to foundation level

5.         Details of glass coating prior to foundation level

6.         Withdrawal of Permitted Development Rights


7.         Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained

8.         No Garage conversion into accommodation

9.         Landscaping implementation as approved

10.       Tree protection implementation as approved

11.       External Lighting – details required prior to installation

12.       Surface water drainage works details required prior to commencement

13.       Foul drainage works details required prior to commencement



14.       Public Rights of Way

15.       CIL-Planning permission or reserved matters approval (South)


Supporting documents: