Agenda item

P20/S0737/FUL - Orchard Hill House, High Road, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, OX10 0PS

Demolition of existing dwelling house, ancillary residential structures and existing barn and erection of a replacement detached dwelling house and linked double garage. Creation of new access from high road and permanent closure of existing access from public bridleway (as an alternative to development permitted by application P19/S0534/FUL as amended by application P19/S4388/FUL). (As amplified by landscaping plan received 15 April 2020).


The committee considered application P20/S0737/FUL for the demolition of existing dwelling house, ancillary residential structures and existing barn and erection of a replacement detached dwelling house and linked double garage. Creation of new access from high road and permanent closure of existing access from public bridleway (as an alternative to development permitted by  application P19/S0534/FUL as amended by application P19/S4388/FUL) (as amplified by landscaping plan received 15 April 2020) at Orchard Hill House, High Road, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The planning officer reported that the principle of replacing the existing dwelling with the new dwelling had already been accepted through the previous planning permissions. This application sought full planning permission for the same replacement dwelling as approved under application P19/S4388/FUL.  The main difference between the two schemes was that this new application incorporated the creation of a new vehicular access on the south western boundary on to the High Road solely for the dwelling.


The planning officer reported that a benefit of the proposal would be the closure of the existing bridleway and the creation of a new access, located centrally along the south western boundary and including a gap of 5.6 metres to create the gated access.


The planning officer considered that the proposal did not result in a harmful impact to the wider character of the area or the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


Mr. James Davys, a representative of Brightwell-cum-Sotwell Parish Council,

Spoke objecting to the application.


Councillor Anne-Marie Simpson, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


In response to a question from the committee regarding the possible interference of the new access with pedestrians using the busy High Road, the planning officer reported that the width of the verge, 6 meters, would allow sufficient safe passing space. In response to a question regarding tree cover, the planning officer reported that there were no trees on the site which were the subject of tree preservation orders.  A landscaping plan had been provided with the application and demonstrated an acceptable level of planting that would mitigate the impact of the development and assist in assimilating into the site and wider area.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED; to grant planning permission for application P20/S0737/FUL subject to the following conditions:


Standard conditions


1.    Commencement three years - full planning permission

2.     Approved plans


Prior to occupation conditions


3.     Close existing access

4.    Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained


Compliance conditions


5.    Demolish specified buildings

6.    Materials as on plan

7.    No Garage conversion into accommodation

8.    Vision splay protection

9.    New vehicular access

10.Withdrawal of Permitted Development rights (Part 1 Class A) - no extensions etc.

11.Tree protection (implementation as approved)

12.Landscaping implementation

13.Surface water drainage works (as approved)

14.Foul drainage works (as approved)

15.Wildlife Protection (mitigation as approved)

Supporting documents: