Agenda item

P19/S4665/FUL & P19/S4667/LB - The Three Horseshoes, Oxford Road, Benson

Removal of existing C20 pergola and roof covering, construction of new single storey extension to side/rear with pitched roof with glazed pitched roof covering between new extension and existing C19 outbuilding.  New single storey extension to rear of C19 outbuilding with pitched roof.  Internal alterations to remove existing male and female toilets and general refurbishment (as amended by drwgnos 639-(P)-200C, 639-(P)-201E, 639-(P)-202E to reduce rear extension and move further away from site boundary received on 29 July 2020 and amplified by a Flood Risk Assessment, Heritage Statement and noise management measures received on 16 April 2020)


The committee considered applications P19/S4665/FUL & P19/S4667/LB for the removal of existing C20 pergola and roof covering, construction of new single storey extension to side/rear with pitched roof with glazed pitched roof covering between new extension and existing C19 outbuilding.  New single storey extension to rear of C19 outbuilding with pitched roof.  Internal alterations to remove existing male and female toilets and general refurbishment. Amended by drawing no.s 639-(P)-200C, 639-(P)-201E, 639-(P)-202E to reduce rear extension and move further away from site boundary received on 29 July 2020 and amplified by a Flood Risk Assessment, Heritage Statement and noise management measures received on 16 April 2020)

at the Three Horseshoes, 2 Oxford Road, Benson.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The planning officer advised the committee that the development would assimilate well into the conservation area and the proposals would not represent a risk to the fabric of the building.  In the view of planning officers, on balance, the value to the community was greater than the impact on neighbouring housing.


Mr Guy Robinson, the owner, spoke in support of the application.


In response to a question from the committee regarding the accuracy of the northern border delineation, the planning officer reported that the fence line originally had not been shown correctly, but the latest information on this was that the plans had been modified, and were accurate to the satisfaction of the occupant and the agent.


In response to a question on noise minimisation measures, the planning officer reported that the council’s environmental protection team had consulted the occupant and had suggested a condition which would ensure that the glazed area forming the addition to the trading space could not be used for licensable activities creating noise (for example live bands, parties wedding celebrations etc.). This translated into recommended Condition 6, ‘Entertainment Restriction’.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED; to grant planning permission for application P19/S4665/FUL subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement three years - Full Planning Permission.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    Sample materials required (all)

4.    Joinery/Glazing Details required

5.    Works to match existing

6.    Entertainment Restriction

7.    Tree Protection (General)

8.    FRA – Implementation as approved


A motion moved and seconded, to grant listed building consent was declared carried on being put to the vote.


In respect of the listed building application, the committee noted that the Council’s Conservation Officer had no objection in principle to the proposed rear extension and refurbishment of the premises. The committee concurred that the rear extension to the nineteenth century element of the building would be of a modest scale and sympathetic in design.


RESOLVED; to grant listed building consent for application P19/S4667/LB subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement three years – Listed Building

2.    Approved plans

3.    Sample materials required (all)

4.    Joinery/Glazing Details required

5.    Works to match existing

Supporting documents: