Agenda item

P20/S1179/FUL - Land South of Hithercroft Road, Wallingford

Erection of industrial / distribution units (Class B1(c), B2, and B8) including access and servicing arrangements, car parking, landscaping and associated works.(contaminated land report received 5 May 2020, additional information regarding Highways received 26 May 2020, amended plans & additional information received 3 June 2020 and additional information received 29 June 2020, Transport Technical Note Received 8 July & 4 August 2020).(Amended plans received 9 July 2020)


The committee considered application P20/S1179/FUL for the

erection of industrial / distribution units (Class B1(c), B2, and B8) including access and servicing arrangements, car parking, landscaping and associated works (contaminated land report received 5 May 2020, additional information regarding Highways received 26 May 2020, amended plans & additional information received 3 June 2020, additional information received 29 June 2020, Transport Technical Note Received 8 July & 4 August 2020) (amended plans received 9 July 2020), on land South of Hithercroft Road Wallingford, OX10 9TA.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The planning officer reported that the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) assessment on sustainability had achieved an ‘Excellent’ rating, which the committee noted with approval.


The planning officer reported that the Environment Agency had confirmed in their letter dated 21 September 2020 that they had no objections to the proposed development. They welcomed the 10m buffer provided to Bradford’s Brook and required it to be maintained as a fully naturalised buffer zone throughout construction and for the lifetime of the development.  Conditions 6 and 14 should satisfy these requirements, which related to CMS and landscape management.  However, a specific condition would probably be easier for future monitoring and compliance, for both the developer/future occupiers, as well as the council.


Thames Water had confirmed that whilst discussions were still taking place in respect of modelling, their representation stood with no objection, subject to a phased approach to development. There were no technical objections to this application from the council or Oxfordshire County Council officers, subject to conditions which were set out in section 9.0 of the report. It was noted by the committee that a recommended condition required further details on surface water drainage.


The planning officer reported that the development was considerably smaller in terms of height and scale than the full planning permission given to this site in 2014. Present negotiations had resulted in improved landscaping and planting, resulting in 100 additional trees. The sensitive western boundary was also the subject of improved landscaping.


The planning officer reported that the site was compliant with the emerging Wallingford Neighbourhood Plan Site C ambition for the creation of 300 local jobs. Wallingford Town Council had objected to the present proposal on the grounds of overdevelopment but had not objected to the 2014 application.


Angie Fenton, the agent, spoke in support of the application. In addition, the democratic services officer had sent Angie Fenton’s statement to the committee prior to the meeting.


Sue Roberts, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


In response to a question from the committee regarding the biodiversity offset, its discharge and the ongoing maintenance commitment, the planning officer reported that the applicants had paid the council £43,000.  The recommended conditions 14 and 15 related to the production of a Landscape Management Plan and its implementation. In response to a question regarding light intrusion, the planning officer reported that recommended condition 18, ‘external lighting…pre-first occupation’, would resolve this issue.


The committee were minded to approve the application, with an additional condition relating to the development management strategy applying to Bradford Brook prior to the commencement of the development. The planning officer undertook to draft an additional condition to this effect.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED; to grant planning permission for application P20/S1179/FUL subject to the following conditions, with the addition of the new condition in respect of Bradford Brook (described immediately above):


a) The prior completion of a Section 106 agreement with the County Council and District Council to secure financial contributions as listed above; and


b) the following schedule of conditions:


1.    Commencement three years - Full Planning Permission.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    Levels (details required).

4.    Sample materials required (walls and roof).

5.    Construction Traffic Management including Routing Plan (details required).

6.    Construction Method Statement.

7.    Surface Water drainage works – details required.

8.    New vehicular access.

9.    Pre-commencement Public Art.

10.Parking (cars, lorries and bicycles) & Manoeuvring Areas Retained.

11.Solar panels, air source heat pumps details required.

12.Turning and parking (including bicycle) provision pre-commencement.

13.Travel Plan.

14.Landscape Management Plan – pre-first occupation.

15.Landscape Implementation – pre-first occupation.

16.Ecological assessment compliance.

17.BREEAM Excellent.

18.External lighting first occupation – pre-first occupation.

19.Electric Vehicle charging points – locations - pre-first occupation.

20.No Surface Water Drainage to Highway.

21.Foul drainage – pre-first occupation.

22.Energy Strategy compliance.

23.Office ancillary to main use only.

24.Hours of operation.

25: Restricted hours of operation of machinery


Supporting documents: