Agenda item

P18/S4100/FUL - Kerak, Chalkhouse Green Road, Kidmore End

Retrospective change of use of land and buildings from C3 (dwellinghouses) to Sui Generis (mix of residential and childcare) (additional information concerning Offsted and access details received 24th May 2019 and access, parking and waste collection details updated as shown on amended and additional documents received 4th February 2020 and revised application form and site area and additional transport statement and travel plan received 6th August 2020).


The committee considered application P18/S4100/FUL for a retrospective change of use of land and buildings from C3 (dwelling houses) to Sui Generis (mix of residential and childcare) (additional information concerning Offsted and access details received 24th May 2019 and access, parking and waste collection details updated as shown on amended and additional documents received 4th February 2020 and revised application form and site area and additional transport statement and travel plan received 6th August 2020) at Kerak, Chalkhouse Green Road, Kidmore End.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


The planning officer reported that the application sought to regularise the existing dual-use of the site by obtaining full planning permission for the day nursery element. The nursery commenced operating in 2011, with an average of 20 children in attendance per day. Officers considered that the application site lay in a sustainable location, therefore the retention of the day nursery use was in principle acceptable. Whilst the local highway authority considered that the intensification of use of the substandard access and parking arrangements posed a continued risk to highway and pedestrian safety, officers considered that this risk could be reduced through the adoption of a formalised travel plan for the business. Officers considered that the benefits to the local community of having the day nursery located within the village would, on balance, outweigh any risk to highway and pedestrian safety.


Mr. Thomas Rumble, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Peter Dragonetti, the local ward councillor, spoke in support of the application.


In response to a question concerning a travel plan, the planning officer reported that the submitted travel plan aimed to reduce the future risk of incidents occurring through instigating measures to promote car sharing, walking and cycling and a drop off/collection regime. The travel plan as currently submitted, was in a draft format, but it was possible for the programme and targets to be formally adopted through liaison with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) travel plans team. This could be achieved through the completion of a unilateral undertaking to secure payment to OCC to cover the costs of travel plan monitoring prior to planning permission being granted. Thereafter it would be possible for a planning condition requiring the travel plan to be formally submitted and agreed within a set period of time, along with a monitoring regime. Officers considered that the adoption of a travel plan would be a significant measure in reducing any risk to highway and pedestrian safety from the continued operation of the day nursery. It was confirmed that OCC had responsibility for enforcing the travel plan.


The committee considered that the facility provided an excellent service to the local community and that the application offered acceptable parking as well as credible highways solutions in respect of the shared access.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P18/S4100/FUL,

subject to the following conditions and the completion of a unilateral undertaking to pay the costs of Travel Plan monitoring.


1.     Development in accordance with the approved plans.

2.     Existing vehicular access to be improved.

3.     Vision splay protection.

4.     Plan of Car Parking Provision details to be agreed.

5.     Cycle Parking Facilities details to be agreed.

6.     Green Travel Plan details to be agreed and monitored by OCC.

7.     Limit of 26 children at any time and no change of use to other uses within Class E. 

8.     Hours of operation only between 7:30am and 6pm weekdays.





Supporting documents: