Agenda item

P21/S1647/FUL - 2 Stonehouse Cottages, Highmoor Cross

Two storey side extension, demolition of existing garage and erection of a new two storey house and associated parking (as amended by plans received 17 & 18 May 2021 omitting the hedge and window on north elevation, altering the internal layout of existing and proposed dwellings and altering site / parking layout to accommodate replacement hedge and tree planting, by plans received 24 May 2021 amending vehicle vision splays and arboricultural impact assessment received 18 June 2021 and additional energy statement received 20 July 2021).


The committee considered application P21/S1647/FUL for a two storey side extension, demolition of existing garage and erection of a new two storey house and associated parking (as amended by plans received 17 & 18 May 2021 omitting the hedge and window on north elevation, altering the internal layout of existing and proposed dwellings and altering site / parking layout to accommodate replacement hedge and tree planting, by plans received 24 May 2021 amending vehicle vision splays and arboricultural impact assessment received 18 June 2021 and additional energy statement received 20 July 2021).


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer explained that Highmoor was classified as an ‘other village’ which meant that infill housing was permitted within policy H1 of the district local plan. The planning officer further stated that the proposed dwelling would be traditional in design and would be in keeping with the character of surrounding properties and the neighbouring area. The proposed development would have sufficient gaps between neighbouring buildings and was not considered overbearing. In addition, the development would sit comfortably in the street which had a linear form of development within the village. The planning officer also reiterated that there would not be an unacceptable loss of light or loss of privacy to neighbouring occupiers.


The planning officer also confirmed that the forestry officer had given no objections to the proposal, subject to tree protection and landscaping conditions which included the securement of replacement planting along the front of the site. There was adequate space to accommodate the indicative planting of the proposal. Officers therefore viewed that subject to conditions, the application would be sympathetic to the site and surrounding area, and it complied with development plan policies. They therefore recommended the application for approval subject to conditions.


Richard Stacpoole, a representative of Highmoor Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.


Selina Craig, the applicant, and Christopher Tapp, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Jo Robb, local ward member, spoke to the application.


Councillor Lorraine Hillier, local ward member, spoke in support of the application.


A question was raised on why one property had been allowed two car parking spaces whilst the other property had three parking spaces. It was explained to the committee that the Oxfordshire County Council standard required two car parking spaces for properties that were of similar size to the application. It was clarified to the committee that in response to concerns from neighbours around visitor parking, that an additional space had been added to the application which would serve both dwellings.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P21/S1647/FUL, subject to the following conditions;

1 : Commencement of the development within 3 years

2 : Development in accordance with the approved plans

3 : Materials for proposed extension as specified on plan / supporting documents

4 : Sample materials required for the new dwelling (walls and roof)

5 : Energy Statement verification report required prior to occupation

6 : Vehicular access to be formed, laid out and constructed

7 : Vision splay protection

8 : Parking & manoeuvring areas shown on plan to be provided and retained

9 : Landscaping scheme (including boundary treatment) to be submitted for approval

10 : Tree protection scheme to be submitted and approved

11 : Ecology / biodiversity (Two bird boxes and bat box shall be erected and retained)

12 : Surface water drainage works (details required)

13 : Foul drainage works (details required)

14 : Electric charging point to be provided for new dwelling


Supporting documents: