Agenda item

P21/S2102/FUL - 153 Thame Road, Warborough

Demolition of the existing single storey dwelling and replace with one detached dwelling and associated parking (as amended by drawings received 16 June 2021).


The committee considered application P21/S2102/FUL for the demolition of the existing single storey dwelling and replace with one detached dwelling and associated parking (as amended by drawings received 16 June 2021) at 153 Thame Road, Warborough.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that this proposal was for the replacement of a bungalow with a single dwelling. Planning permission to demolish the existing dwelling and replace it with an oak-framed two-storey detached dwelling had been granted in 2014, but had not been implemented, and had consequently lapsed. Planning permission to demolish the existing dwelling and replace it with a development comprising a one 3-bedroom dwelling and a 4-bedroom dwelling, had recently been refused. In the view of the planning officer, this present proposal for a single dwelling would benefit from a garden and a relationship where it would not be dominated by protected trees, which was the case with the previous application. Also, the plans in respect of this proposal had been amended to alter part of the driveway to protect trees, which the forestry officer had supported. The county council, as highways authority, had confirmed that access and parking arrangements were satisfactory. Council officers considered that the proposed development was acceptable in the context of the green belt and conservation area.


In response to a question regarding the weight of previous local plans, compared with new ones, the planning officer reported that policies in respect of Warborough had not changed, and that planning permission previously being given at this site was a material consideration. In this case, a new dwelling would replace an existing dwelling.


In response to a question regarding ecology on the site, the planning officer reported that policy ENV3 of SOLP related to biodiversity. The policy stated that planning permission would only be granted if impacts on biodiversity could be avoided, mitigated or compensated fully. The planning officer reported that the application was supported by a preliminary ecological appraisal for bats. This had detailed that the existing dwelling had very low potential for roosting bats and that no further surveys were required. Subject to a planning condition being imposed requiring the provision of bird boxes, the development would accord with policy ENV3.


In response to a question of the possible impact of the development upon neighbours’ light levels, the senior planning officer reported that she had discussed this issue at an early stage with the case officer, when the Warborough Parish Council had objected, and had concluded that the impact of the revised scheme was acceptable, resulting in a slightly better relationship with neighbours. The lack of neighbour objections was possibly an indication of the application’s acceptability.


The planning officer concluded by stating that the proposal involved the replacement of a dwelling within the built confines of the village. It was acceptable in the context of both housing and green belt policy. The application was recommended for the grant of planning permission as the proposal was considered not to cause harm to the conservation area, highway safety or materially harm the amenities of the occupants of nearby properties. The impact on protected trees was acceptable when considered in the context of the required tree protection condition.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: that planning permission is granted for application P21/S2102/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


Standard conditions

1.    Commencement three years - Full Planning Permission

2.    Approved plans


Pre-commencement conditions

3.   Tree protection

4.   Surface water drainage works (details required)

Conditions which require approval once development is above slab level

5.   Boundary walls & fences

6.   Schedule of Materials


Pre-occupation conditions

7.   Energy Statement Verification

8.   New vehicular access

9.   Vision splay dimensions

10. Reduce Gravel Spread onto Highway

11. Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained


Compliance conditions

12.  Electric charging point details

13.  Bird Box


Supporting documents: