Agenda item

P21/S2332/FUL - The Reformation, Horsepond Road, Gallowstree Common

Change of use and extension of former public house to provide veterinary surgery. Demolition of outbuilding and erection of 1 x 3-bed and 1 x 4-bed detached houses (proposed dwellings reduced from three to two and layout and designs adjusted accordingly as shown on amended plans received 27th September 2021 and energy statement received 5th October 2021 and first floor side window from Plot 2 removed and external areas around Plot 2 corrected and patio reduced as shown on amended plans received 2nd November 2021).


The committee considered application P21/S2332/FUL for the change of use and extension of former public house to provide veterinary surgery. Demolition of outbuilding and erection of 1 x 3-bed and 1 x 4-bed detached houses (proposed dwellings reduced from three to two and layout and designs adjusted accordingly as shown on amended plans received 27th September 2021 and energy statement received 5th October 2021 and first floor side window from Plot 2 removed and external areas around Plot 2 corrected and patio reduced as shown on amended plans received 2nd November 2021) at the Reformation, Horsepond Road, Gallowstree Common.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer stated that the use of The Reformation as a public house was no longer considered viable by the council’s economic development team, in accordance with criteria three of local plan policy CF1. The economic development team also viewed that the use of a veterinary practise would be complimentary service, appropriate to the rural location of the area in accordance with local plan policy EMP3. An additional planning condition was also recommended by the planning officer to require the completion of the veterinary practise before the residential dwellings would be built. The planning officer, for the reasons listed in the report and explained in their statement, therefore viewed the application as acceptable, and recommended the application for approval.


Due to technical difficulties, the representative of Kidmore End Parish Council was unable to attend the meeting. Councillor Peter Dragonetti, Kidmore End ward councillor, read out his submitted statement for the committee’s consideration.


Ms. Deirdre Wells, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


The committee asked the speaker questions on how long they had owned the pub and whether a crematorium would be added to the veterinary surgery. The speaker responded, firstly by confirming they had owned the pub for eighteen years, and then provided a response for the second question by confirming there were no plans for a crematorium, and that the business would be by appointment only.


Councillor Peter Dragonetti, local ward member, spoke objecting to the application.


The planning officer was asked by the committee at what point the veterinary surgery was considered as having been completed. The planning officer’s response was that due to applicant’s plans, it would be unlikely they would stop construction and leave the building as a partially completed site. The officer explained that they would rely on ‘common sense’ in determining the status of the development before any residential dwellings could be built.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P21/S2332/FUL subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement of development within three years

2.    Development in accordance with the approved plans

3.    No change in levels

4.    Schedule of Materials to be agreed

5.    Obscure glazing to upper floor bathroom windows

6.    Withdrawal of Permitted Development rights for extensions, outbuildings, and handsurfacing

7.    Energy Statement Verification

8.    Parking and Manoeuvring Areas Retained

9.    Trees Protection details to be agreed

10.Landscaping (including hardsurfacing and boundary treatment) to be agreed

11.Wildlife Protection (mitigation as approved)

12.Surface Water Drainage details to be agreed

13.External Lighting details to be agreed

14.Electric charging points to be provided

15.Veterinary use occupied before dwellings above slab level


Supporting documents: