Agenda item

P22/S1193/HH - Willows Reach, Mill Lane, Lower Shiplake, RG9 3LY

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) - two additional shipping containers for storage and associated roof/wall amendments to suit on planning application P18/S1837/HH. (As amended by plans received 28 November 2022 to render the exterior of containers).


Demolition of existing mono-pitched gymnasium, erection of replacement flat roof gymnasium to match the architectural style of the main house and garage building. Replacement front boundary treatment from close boarded timber fence to rendered blockwork with new vehicular gates.


The committee considered planning application P22/S1193/HH for the variation of condition 2 (approved plans) – two additional shipping containers for storage and associated roof/wall amendments to suit on planning application P18/S1837/HH. (As amended by plans received 28 November 2022 to render the exterior of containers). Demolition of existing mono-pitched gymnasium, erection of replacement flat roof gymnasium to match the architectural style of the main house and garage building. Replacement front boundary treatment from close boarded timber fence to rendered blockwork with new vehicular gates, on land at Willows Reach, Mill Lane, Lower Shiplake.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was called into the committee by a local ward member, Councillor David Bartholomew. The application itself sought to address a breach of planning control by seeking permission for the placement of two shipping containers which at the time already sat within the curtilage of Willows Reach on the Thames tow path.


The planning officer informed the committee that the application would also clad both containers to match the general appearance of the existing dwelling and its other outbuildings, but that they were both visible from public footpaths. However, the planning officer believed the exterior cladding would obscure them and help assimilate them withing the built form of the site


Subject to the implementation of the cladding within six months, the planning officer believed that the containers would not be harmful to the overall character or appearance of the site and so recommended the application be granted subject to conditions.



Chris Penrose spoke on behalf of Shiplake Parish Council, objecting to the application. 


Councillor David Bartholomew, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application. 



The committee asked the planning officer about the planning history of the site and the ongoing planning enforcement investigation, and the officer confirmed that planning enforcement was unable to take any action until after the application was determined. Therefore, the enforcement application was still ongoing.


Members also raised the potential issue of flooding as the site sat within flood zone 3, but the planning officer confirmed with members that as the containers were raised off the ground to a satisfactory height, they would be protected from flooding.


Members remained concerned about the development as they believed it to be out of character with the surrounding area and that the material and form of the container design would detract from the special setting on the Thames tow path, something mentioned in the neighbourhood plan. In addition, the committee was also opposed to the increase and consolidation of the built form on the site.


Overall, as the proposed development was considered to be out of character with the surrounding area and a detriment to its special setting, the committee agreed to refuse the application.


A motion, moved and seconded, to refuse the application was carried on being put to the vote. 



RESOLVED: to refuse planning application P22/S1193/HH, for the following reasons:


Having regard to the materials and form of the development it represents inappropriate design which consolidates the built up appearance of the site and fails to respond to the character and appearance of this Special Character Area, as identified by the Shiplake Neighbourhood Plan (2022). As such, the proposed development fails to adhere to Policies DES1 and DES2 of the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan (2035) and Policies SV10, SV11 and SV23 of the adopted Shiplake Neighbourhood Plan (2022).

Supporting documents: