Agenda item

P21/S1733/FUL - Land adjacent to the Bottle and Glass Inn, Bones Lane, Binfield Heath, RG9 4JT

Retrospective change of use of the agricultural Dutch barn to provide outdoor dining area associated with the public house, including additional seating area, external storage and kitchen containers. Addition of timber cladding to barn and screening fencing around containers. (As amplified by floor plan and elevation plans submitted 08 March 2022) (As amended by plans 2023-02-10 to revise external appearance, provide additional parking, remove retail/shop within barn). (As amplified and amended by Transport Statement and plans to increase overflow car parking received 31 March 2023).


The committee considered planning application P21/S1733/FUL for the retrospective change of use of the agricultural Dutch barn to provide outdoor dining area associated with the public house, including additional seating area, external storage and kitchen containers, addition of timber cladding to barn and screening fencing around containers (as amplified by floor plan and elevation plans submitted 08 March 2022) (as amended by plans 2023-02-10 to revise external appearance, provide additional parking, remove retail/shop within barn) (as amplified and amended by Transport Statement and plans to increase overflow car parking received 31 March 2023), on land adjacent to the Bottle and Glass Inn, Bones Lane, Binfield Heath.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and noted that since the publication of the agenda an additional letter from a neighbour was sent in supporting the application citing its community benefit. The planning officer then highlighted that the application itself sought retrospective permission for the change of use of an existing agricultural barn into an outdoor dining and seating area for the Bottle and Glass Inn. A shipping container was proposed to be used as a kitchen and would use an extracting unit and external flu pipe. The barn itself was proposed to be enclosed with cladding to assist with weather proofing the structure. In addition to the retrospective permission, it was noted that the application also included a proposal for an extension to the barn to the rear, in order to provide toilet facilities, and an extension to the car park, so that there could be overflow parking.


The planning officer believed that the principle of the development was acceptable as the barn had assisted the pub during the COVID-19 pandemic and that the works that would be carried out would not be detrimental to the site, and subject to an enhanced landscaping, would not be detrimental to the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


In addition, noise, odour, and lighting were assessed rigorously and officers did not believe there would be any significant adverse effect on neighbouring amenity, with some noise mitigation measures already being implemented. The planning officer also clarified to members that conditions were proposed to limit live music, lighting, and events outside of the barn.  


Finally, it was noted that highways had no objection subject to cycle storage on site, which could be secured through condition, and that biodiversity net gain could also be secured through conditions.


Overall, the planning officer was satisfied that the proposed application was in accordance with the Local Plan and recommended it be approved subject to conditions.



David Holliday, one of the applicants, spoke in support of the application. 



The committee had conducted a site visit prior to the discussion of the application at the committee meeting. The committee begin by asking about the recommended conditions around music and if the parameters of it could be clarified. In response, the planning officer confirmed that live music could be controlled and monitored, and the conditions would ensure that recorded music was not played outside the barn. Further to this, the planning officer noted that environmental health was satisfied that the noise produced by the application would not reach the level of statutory nuisance and that restricting the use of the barn past 10pm would mitigate any severe noise harm that could be caused.


Members also noted some of the potential concerns around the extractor in the kitchen and inquired as to how this would be monitored to ensure it would not be a nuisance to neighbours. The planning officer then clarified that he had asked for a noise and odour report from the applicant, which was provided, and that it demonstrated enough details around its operation that the council was satisfied that it would not have a significant effect on neighbouring amenity. It was also noted that since the extractor was installed the council had received no concerns or complaints from locals. Members also mentioned that when they went on site during the site visit, they could see that the residential dwellings were relatively far away from the barn.


Overall, the committee agreed that the application was an improvement to the existing building and were satisfied that their concerns had been addressed through the proposed conditions. In addition, members were encouraged that the site would continue to have community use and produce local employment. For those reasons, the committee agreed to approve the application, subject to conditions.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 



RESOLVED: to approve planning application P21/S1733/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1. Development to be implemented in accordance with approved plans

2. Materials to be used in accordance with those stated on approved plans and supporting documentation

3. Cycle parking to be provided by a scheme that should be submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority

4. Turning areas & car parking to be provided in accordance with approved plans and maintained

5. Landscaping scheme to be submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority

6. Kitchen extraction noise and odour control to be maintained in accordance with measures submitted

7. External lighting only to be implemented in accordance with a scheme that should be submitted for approval in writing by the local planning authority

8. Hours of operation limited to 08:30 to 22:00

9. Customer activities and events to be limited to the barn and the external seating areas shown on the plans

10. No live music at the premises and no amplified sound outside of the barn


Supporting documents: