Agenda item

P22/S2220/FUL - Dodwells Solar Farm, Land north of the A40, near Milton Common

Underground cable route to connect Dodwells solar farm to Cowley substation.(as amplified by additional information received 21 December 2022).


The committee considered planning application P22/S2220/FUL for the underground cable route to connect Dodwells solar farm to Cowley substation (as amplified by additional information received 21 December 2022), on land at Dodwells Solar Farm, Land north of the A40 near Milton Common.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was for engineering work to install the cabling needed to take the energy from the solar farm permitted in application P21/S3915/FUL at Dodwells Solar Farm to near the Cowley substation. This route would pass through various villages, single track carriageways, and three bridges.


The planning officer informed the committee that the cable would be installed via a trench in the road, described in the officer report and that when crossing bridges, the intention was to drill under the water course to avoid impacting the river.


It was also noted that SSE, the local electricity provider, controlled the place where the cable site connection would be and that this was outside of the control of the applicant. In addition, he also confirmed that, if application were not approved, SSE would likely have permitted development rights to conduct the work themselves. Therefore, the planning officer emphasised to the committee that the application was an opportunity for the council to put further conditions on a scheme that may make the scheme more acceptable.


Overall, as the proposal would not cause permanent visual changes, and only cause temporary impacts via road closures, and that the application was policy compliant, the planning officer recommended the application be approved.



Simon Hale spoke objecting to the application. 


Nick Nixey, the landowner, and Alexander Miejimolle, the agent, spoke in support of the application. 



The committee discussed the permitted development rights for SSE and if they could do the work themselves if the application was refused. In response, the planning officer clarified that it was his view that it would be likely that SSE would meet the requirements to do the work under permitted development.


Members asked about the Local Plan and if there were policies about this type of work for cable engineering. In response, the planning officer informed members there was no specific policy on cable engineering but that he used other policies to inform it and that it had met those policies. 


Although members noted the potential disruption that would be caused by the application, overall, the committee noted that SSE would likely have permitted development rights for the works and that if it was done through a planning application, they could control certain elements of the scheme. In addition, they noted that once completed, the cables would be invisible.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 



RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/S2220/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement of development only if main arrays permitted

2. Commencement of development within 3 years

3. Development in accordance with approved plans

4. Tree protection measures and implementation

5. All development, operations and construction within the metalled

road surface

6. Construction method, structural strategy and construction details

for development at river/stream crossings, bridges and


7. Construction Environment Management Plan for biodiversity

8. Construction Management Plan for traffic, working hours, noise

and dust control, and flood risk mitigation during construction

9. Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation

10.Programme of archaeological evaluation


Supporting documents: