Agenda item

P22/S3105/FUL and P22/S3106/LB - 6 Duke Street, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1UP

The proposed works consist of a rear extension at first and second floor in line with the neighbouring properties to the north and south. The extension will redesign the existing flat, while also creating space for an additional residential flat. As part of these works the entrance to the residential properties would be moved to Duke Street (As amended by plan to demonstrate cycle and bin storage and supported by Heritage Statement submitted 19 December 2022) (As amended by plans and documents submitted 01 March 2023 to better reveal heritage importance of building) (Further amended by plans 2023-04-26 to re-arrange internal layout to better retain historic fabric) (As amplified by additional information - noise report received 04 July 2023).


The committee considered planning application P22/S3105/FUL and P22/S3106/LB for the proposed works consist of a rear extension at first and second floor in line with the neighbouring properties to the north and south. The extension will redesign the existing flat, while also creating space for an additional residential flat. As part of these works the entrance to the residential properties would be moved to Duke Street. (As amended by plan to demonstrate cycle and bin storage and supported by Heritage Statement submitted 19 December 2022) (As amended by plans and documents submitted 01 March 2023 to better reveal heritage importance of building) (Further amended by plans 2023-04-26 to rearrange internal layout to better retain historic fabric) (As amplified by additional information – noise report received 04 July 2023), on land at 6 Duke Street, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1UP.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was for extension and alterations to 6 Duke Street to create one new flat. Listed building consent was also sought in order to allow the necessary works to be carried out. The planning officer confirmed that the existing access to the existing flat is to the rear of the property via Tuns Lane. Under the proposed scheme access to both residential flats would be via a shared access to the front of the property on Duke Street.


The planning officer informed the committee that the applications were before them as Henley-on-Thames Town Council had objected to the applications. The planning officer went on to summarise all of the objections raised to the applications which included concerns about the overdevelopment of the site, the lack of parking provision for the development, the poor living standards of future occupants of the flats and an increase in complaints regarding the nearby Three Tuns Pub. The planning officer confirmed that the principle of the development was acceptable. The development would not harm the character or appearance of the area and nor would it be harmful to the special character or appearance of the Henley Main Conservation Area.


The planning officer informed the committee that an acoustic report had been produced to assess any noise impact on future occupants of the flat. He confirmed that the report concluded that the installation of glazing as required by the proposed conditions would suitably protect future residents against any negative noise impact. The planning officer advised that the Environmental Health Team had assessed the application and were satisfied that the proposed conditions would prevent any future noise impact caused by the pub garden and any other sources of noise. The planning officer further advised that measures would be in place via planning condition to reassess the noise impact once the flat had been constructed.


The planning officer concluded that the council had no objections on the basis of waste management or parking grounds and that it did not consider the lack of amenity space to be objectionable. In addition to this he confirmed that the Conservation Officer did not object to the application subject to conditions requiring the submission of details on joinery, replacement windows and new materials to be used. The application was therefore recommended for approval.


Tom Buckley, spoke on behalf of Henley-on-Thames Town Council, objecting to the application.


The committee asked for clarification on what steps would be taken if the noise assessment which will be carried out once the flat had been constructed finds that noise levels are too high. The planning officer confirmed that the relevant condition allowed for further mitigation measures to be taken should the noise levels be found to be in excess of the relevant British Standard. Measures could include mechanical ventilation.


The committee noted that there was no mention of the Henley and Harpsden Joint Neighbourhood Plan in the report under the section concerning parking. They went on to confirm that this plan requires cycle and vehicle parking in line with the most up to date Oxfordshire County Council parking standards. The planning officer confirmed that the highways authority had been consulted on the application and had raised no requirement for parking provision for this application.


The committee went on to raise concerns about the waste provisions as set out in the application namely that waste is presented onto Duke Street on collection days. The planning officer confirmed that the waste officer had raised no objections to the application, that the proposed arrangement was similar to that of other properties in the area and that the waste officers were fully aware of the issues in relation to waste collection on Tuns Lane.


The committee queried how many square metres (sqm) of floor space the new property created. The planning officer confirmed the flat as proposed measured approximately 52sqm.


A motion, moved and seconded, to defer the applications in order that a site visit may be carried out was carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to defer applications P22/S3105/FUL and P22/S3106/LB in order for a site visit to take place.

Supporting documents: