Agenda item

P23/S1722/FUL - Well Place Stables Urquhart Lane Ipsden, OX10 6QZ

Replacement of existing stable yard and grooms accommodation to provide 10 stables and associated facilities for use us 7 full liveries and 3 DIY liveries and use of existing area in association with the liveries.


The committee considered planning application P23/S1722/FUL for the replacement of existing stable yard and grooms accommodation to provide 10 stables and associated facilities for use as 7 full liveries and 3 DIY liveries and use of existing arena in association with the liveries, on land at Well Place Stables Urquhart Lane Ipsden, OX10 6QZ.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application concerned the replacement of existing equestrian facilities. The site was located within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beaty (AONB) and was subject to conditions tying it to the nearby listed Well Place Manor to the west. The planning officer advised that the applicant proposed to demolish the existing buildings and construct a commercial livery with an onsite groom. The existing buildings were loosely arranged around a courtyard and were utilitarian in appearance and of a generally poor condition. The planning officer confirmed that the proposal was of a similar layout but larger in volume and the menage would be retained for use in connection with the livery but would be excluded from use for riding lessons, competitions and other commercial activities.


The planning officer highlighted that the low height, traditional form and character of the proposed buildings was wholly appropriate to the surroundings and wider landscape. He went on to advise that the conservation team were supportive of the design.


The planning officer highlighted that the access road served other residential and agricultural properties but that the local highways authority had raised no objection to the proposal. The livery use would not cause a significant increase in vehicle movements at peak times.


The planning officer then informed the committee that whilst the proposed building range would have a greater visual presence within the site, they were of the view that it would be of a higher quality design. The views would be framed by the roofscape in the background and the buildings would not be an isolated feature on the landscape, therefore the proposal would not compromise the open character of the area.


Kerry Pfleger (RAW Planning), the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The committee asked the planning officer if the clock tower was a necessary element of the proposal as this had formed a point of objection for some. The planning officer confirmed officers did not feel this was an issue as it was a small feature which did not detract from the overall character and appearance of the area.


The committee asked the planning officer to comment on the consultation response received from Ipsden parish council which identified that the site had been used in contravention of the current conditions. The planning officer confirmed that whilst they were aware of this, no enforcement investigation had been opened and that it did not impact upon the applicants right to apply for the permission sought.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.


The committee commented that the proposal sat well within its environs and was an improvement on the existing buildings. It felt the proposal was suitable for the purpose it was designed for.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/S1722/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement of development within 3 years

2.    Development to be implemented in accordance with the approved plans unless varied by other conditions of consent

3.    Schedule of external materials to be agreed

4.    Tree Protection details to be agreed

5.    The use of the groom’s accommodation hereby permitted shall be limited to a person solely or mainly employed in the equestrian use of the site

6.    The use of the equestrian facilities shall be restricted to the stabling of horses/ livery yard. No part of the property shall be used for riding lessons, competitions or other non-equestrian activities

7.    The balance of livery and DIY stabling to be retained as per the planning proposal (i.e. 7x full liveries and 3x DIY liveries).

8.    The parking and turning areas shall be provided in accordance with the approved site plan and retained unobstructed.

9.    Full surface water drainage details to be agreed

10.Surface water drainage condition, specific details of bund and filter drain to be agreed

11.Foul water drainage details to be agreed

12.Surface water management during construction phase – details to be agreed

13.Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) compliance report to be submitted

14.External lighting details to be agreed

15.Implementation of biodiversity mitigation measures as approved

16.Biodiversity compensation measures - details to be agreed

17.Energy Statement Verification to be submitted

18.Withdrawal of Permitted Development rights (Part 1 Class A) - no extensions or alterations without planning permission


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