Agenda item

P23/S1345/FUL - Greenways, Sewell's Lane, Sydenham, OX39 4LW

Removal of existing dwelling, construction of replacement two storey detached dwelling with car port, access, car parking and associated works. (as amended by plans received 5 June 2023 re-siting and reducing the car port to three bays, additional biodiversity information received 5 July 2023 and bat survey received 31 July 2023)


The committee considered planning application P23/S1345/FUL for the removal of existing dwelling, construction of replacement two storey detached dwelling with car port, access, car parking and associated works (as amended by plans received 5 June 2023 re-siting and reducing the car port to three bays, additional biodiversity information received 5 July 2023 and bat survey received 31 July 2023), on land at Greenways, Sewell’s Lane, Sydenham, OX39 4LW.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was recommended for approval by officers and had been referred to the planning committee due to the objection of Sydenham Parish Council. The site was located on the edge of the village and the access was also a bridleway which continued along the side of the site. The planning officer informed the committee that the site abutted a conservation area and the neighbouring property to the west was grade II listed with open fields to the other side of the property. The proposal sought demolition of the existing bungalow and replacement with a two-storey red brick and flint dwelling. The planning officer advised that the height of the proposal was relatively modest and would not be overly prominent in the landscape with views of the open countryside retained. The planning officer went on to confirm that the conservation officer supported the proposal and was of the view the materials were in keeping with the character of the area and it would not harm the setting of the listed building.


Michael May spoke on behalf of Sydenham Parish Council, objecting to the application.

William Stancliffe spoke objecting to the application.


Simon Bushell, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The committee asked the planning officer to clarify the difference in ridge heights which had been raised by an objector. The planning officer advised that the difference in ridge heights between the existing and proposed was three metres and was not significant when considered in the context of the surroundings. The proposed dwelling was 20 metres from the neighbouring property and therefore it was not felt the increase was dominating. The planning officer went on to highlight that there were a variety of properties along Sewell’s Lane and that whilst the immediate neighbouring properties were not similar in design, this was not out of keeping with the character of the village.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.


The committee was content with the advice provided by the planning officer in relation to the ridge heights of the building and that it had been considered in the context of the surrounding buildings. The committee commented that whilst the property was of a significant size it was not vast and was sited in a large plot with a significant distance to the neighbouring property.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/S1345/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement with three years

2.    Development in accordance with the approved plans

3.    Photographic schedule of materials required

4.    Joinery details required

5.    Demolish existing buildings

6.    Levels details required

7.    Obscure glazing of first floor bathroom window

8.    Energy Statement Verification and post occupancy monitoring

9.    Safety measures for site access by construction vehicles to be agreed

10.Gates to be set back from bridleway and open inwards

11.Wildlife Protection (mitigation as approved)

12.Implementation of agreed tree protection measures

Supporting documents: