Agenda item

P23/S2202/HH - 11 Queens Road Thame, OX9 3NF

Loft conversion with box dormer and insertion of a second-floor window on the southwest facing gable of the existing house (Dormer on the rear roof wing shown to be omitted on amended plans received 17 August 2023).


The committee considered planning application P23/S2202/HH for a loft conversion with box dormer and insertion of a second-floor window on the southwest facing gable of the existing house (Dormer on the rear roof wing shown to be omitted on amended plans received 17 August 2023), at 11 Queens Road Thame, OX9 3NF.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the town council’s views conflicted with the officer recommendation and this was the reason the application was before the committee. The planning officer informed the committee that the property was a two-storey end of terrace and did not fall into any areas of special designation. The application had originally sought to install a dormer which extended over the two-storey extension but following concerns being raised that this was detrimental to the character of the area and for reasons of neighbour impact, the application had reduced in size. The planning officer went on to advise that since the dormer had been reduced in size, consideration had been given as to what could be carried out under permitted development rights. As the site was not within a conservation area and the property had full permitted development rights intact, they concluded the works applied for could be carried out under permitted development.


The planning officer went on to advise the committee that there were similar dormers in the area and the proposed materials were considered to be sympathetic to the area. With regards to the neighbour impact, it was felt that the scale, design and position meant the impact on neighbour amenity was acceptable. Finally, the planning officer confirmed that the proposal accorded with the relevant development plan principles.


Graeme Markland spoke on behalf of Thame Town Council, objecting to the application.


The committee enquired as to the number of applications which had been received in relation to the site. The planning officer confirmed this was the only application and that it had been amended since original submission which would have required full planning permission.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being out to the vote.


The committee commented that the proposal did not look out of character for the area and therefore they were supportive of the application. Some members commented that they disliked flat roof dormers, but they were satisfied that this was to the rear so could not be seen and was in a non-designated area. The committee expressed a need to ensure decisions of the committee were fair and consistent and having seen photos of other properties in the area, they agreed there were no grounds to refuse the application.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/S2202/HH, subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement of development within 3 years

2.    Development to be in accordance with the approved plans

3.    Materials & details to be as shown on plans & supporting documents

Supporting documents: