Agenda item

P22/S4323/FUL - Land to the west of the Green Marsh, Baldon, OX44 9LL

Construction of five dwellings, 1 x 2 bed, 3 x 3 bed and 1 x 4 bed, to be accessed via a new driveway from the public highway (Amended plans received 6 March 2023 - change in site to layout to re-locate car parking for all plots to the centre of the site; removal of swale at eastern side of site (replaced by increase in geo-cellular attenuation within the site); change in layout plan to draw plot 3 further back and amendment to layout of plots 1-3; increase in area for tree and shrub planting at front of site; provision of detailed landscaping plan for eastern part of site; increase in soft landscaping within car parking areas; updated biodiversity net gain calculation. Amended by plans received 27 April 2023 - Removal of unit 6 and two car parking spaces to provide views through the site and to remove view of second terrace from access road; revised layout of swale; increased planting on eastern boundary; soft landscaping on western boundary. Amended plans received 2 August 2023 with revised drainage strategy, amendments to fenestration of unit 4 and GCN report and impact plan).


During this agenda item, the meeting length had reached almost two and a half hours. In accordance with the council’s Constitution, the committee voted to extend the meeting in order to finish this item.


The committee considered planning application P22/S4323/FUL for the construction of five dwellings, 1 x 2 bed, 3 x 3 bed and 1 x 4 bed, to be accessed via a new driveway from the public highway (Amended plans received 6 March 2023 - change in site to layout to re-locate car parking for all plots to the centre of the site; removal of swale at eastern side of site (replaced by increase in geo-cellular attenuation within the site); change in layout plan to draw plot 3 further back and amendment to layout of plots 1-3; increase in area for tree and shrub planting at front of site; provision of detailed landscaping plan for eastern part of site; increase in soft landscaping within car parking areas; updated biodiversity net gain calculation. Amended by plans received 27 April 2023 - Removal of unit 6 and two car parking spaces to provide views through the site and to remove view of second terrace from access road; revised layout of swale; increased planting on eastern boundary; soft landscaping on western boundary. Amended plans received 2 August 2023 with revised drainage strategy, amendments to fenestration of unit 4 and GCN report and impact plan), on land to the west of the Green Marsh, Baldon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was referred to the committee by the objection of Marsh Baldon Parish Council.


The planning officer informed the committee that the site was within the Green Belt and Marsh Baldon Conservation Area and was bordered by neighbours to the north and south and countryside to the west. The planning officer highlighted that the site was considered infill and that it had been allocated for up to six dwellings in the Baldons Neighbourhood Plan.


The application itself was for five dwellings laid out to replicate a farmyard and designed to appear like a barn conversion, which was similar to nearby dwellings. The eastern block was a single storey and one and a half storey dwelling with one 2 bed and two 3 bed dwelling and the rear block was a one and a half storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of a one 4 bedroom and one 3 bedroom dwelling.


New habitat was to be created to the north of site and included mixed scrub woods and grassland. The application was also noted as producing biodiversity net gain.


As the application was policy compliant and as the site was allocated in the neighbourhood plan, the planning officer recommended that the application be approved.



Dawn Mcgiveron spoke on behalf of Marsh Baldon Parish Council, objecting to the application. 


Peter Cave spoke objecting to the application. 


Lois Partridge, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. 


Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application. 



The committee had conducted a site visit prior to the discussion of the application.


The committee asked about the wording of the neighbourhood plan and if it was clear in its allocation for up to six dwellings on the site. In response the planning officer confirmed that policy two of the neighbourhood plan stated that residential development of no more than six houses was allocated on the site in Marsh Baldon. In addition, he noted that the application was compliant with the local plan as it was considered an infill development as it was closely surrounded by buildings.


The planning officer informed the committee that the officer looking over the pre-application for the site had recommended that the development should be similar to the farm layout nearby and he believed it had worked well, matched the building line to front and rear, and had a traditional farm courtyard appearance.


On a question about the use of the buildings to the north of the site, the planning officer clarified to members that they were previously farm buildings but that they were now used as outbuildings.


On a comment about legality of the access road, the planning officer confirmed that this was not a material planning consideration, but he also noted that the highways authority had no objection to the access that was proposed.


Some members did have some concerns with the infrastructure that would be needed for the increase of people to the village, and that the site was in the Green Belt. However, the committee noted that the site was allocated for six dwellings in the neighbourhood plan and that the proposed dwellings were not out of character with the surrounding dwellings.


Overall, members considered that principle of development to be acceptable as it was allocated in the neighbourhood plan, and as they were satisfied with the response to their questions from officers, they could see no material reasons to refuse the application. Therefore, they agreed that it should be approved subject to conditions.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 




RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/S4323/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission

2. Approved plans

3. Sample materials

3. Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI)

4. Staged programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation

5. Building Information Modelling Execution Plan (BEP)

6. Great Crested Newts (GCN) mitigation

7. Great Crested Newts (GCN) mitigation 2

8. Great Crested Newts (GCN) mitigation 3

9. Sample materials

10. Landscaping

11. Boundary details

12. Glazing

13. Contamination- phased risk assessment

14. Tree protection

15. Energy Statement Verification

16. Electric Vehicle Charging Points

17. Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained

18. New vehicular access

19. Contamination- phased risk assessment

20. Approved ecological features

21. Sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) compliance report

22. Contamination (unsuspected contaminated land)

23. External lighting

24. Maintenance and upkeep of the site

25. Hours of operation - construction/demolition

26. Neighbourhood plan - informative

27. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - informative

28. Private road agreement - informative

29. S151 of the Highways Act - informative

30. S137 of the Highways Act - informative

31. Contaminated land - informative

32. Great Crested Newts (GCN) informative

33. Great Crested Newts (GCN) informative 2

34. Great Crested Newts (GCN) informative 3

35. Great Crested Newts (GCN) informative 4


Supporting documents: