Agenda item

P23/S0767/FUL - Land to the east of Crest Estate, Stoke Row

Erection of two new dwellings and double garage (site area extended, size, position and detail of dwellings adjusted, drainage repositioned as shown on amended plans and additional arboricultural report, ecology report and highways technical note and updated energy and planning statements received 14th July 2023 and ecological information updated as shown on amended landscape plan and supporting documents submitted 11th August 2023 and amended drainage details received 10th October 2023 and additional section received 17th November 2023).


The committee considered planning application P23/S0767/FUL for the erection of 2 new dwellings and double garage (site area extended, size, position and detail of dwellings adjusted, drainage repositioned as shown on amended plans and additional arboricultural report, ecology report and highways technical note and updated energy and planning statements received 14 July 2023 and ecological information updated as shown on amended landscape plan and supporting documents submitted 11 August

2023 and amended drainage details received 10 October 2023 and additional section received 17 November 2023), on land at Land to the east of Crest Estate, Stoke Row.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee due to the objection of Stoke Row Parish Council.


The planning officer informed the committee that he considered the principle of development to be acceptable as it was an infill development inside of a settlement, and that this was something that was also permitted in the Chilterns National Landscape. He also noted that the recent changes to the National Planning Policy Framework at the end of 2023 did not affect his recommendation.


In terms of the scale, form, and detailing of the dwellings, the planning officer believed that they related well to their surroundings and would conserve the landscape. In addition, he highlighted to the committee that the proposed dwellings would protect the amenity of the existing neighbouring properties.


On the proposed access, the planning officer confirmed that the accesses and parking arrangement were considered by the highways authority and that they did not have concerns about highway or pedestrian safety.


On flooding, the council’s drainage engineer assessed the proposal and considered that the scheme could deal with onsite surface water, but as it also brought flood alleviation to the wider area, the application did not require a sequential test.


Overall, as the principal of development was acceptable and that the application itself was policy compliant, the planning officer recommended that it be approved.



Roger Clayson and Councillor Mike Steyn spoke on behalf of Stoke Row Parish Council, objecting to the application. 



The committee inquired into the flood mitigation in the scheme and the planning officer assured members that, although there were surface water drainage issues on and around the site, the application had been evaluated by the drainage engineer and they were satisfied that the removal of the verge on Main Street and the installation of a cattle grid to capture and transport surface water around the site, would act as a sort of flood alleviation scheme. For these reasons, the drainage engineer considered that the flood alleviation brought by the application would outweigh the harm of not conducting a sequential test. Overall, the planning officer confirmed that the application would be able to deal with the surface water on the site, but also any water that would come in from offsite.


Members discussed the area around the application site and agreed with the planning officer’s interpretation that the site was considered an infill development as it was closely surrounded by a number of buildings. The planning officer also clarified to the committee that the site did not need to be a brownfield site in order to be eligible to be considered infill.


On a question about if the proposed dwellings were in keeping with the local vernacular, the planning officer confirmed that one of the proposed dwellings was finished in brick and flint and the other in brick and that the two properties to the west of the site were finished in the same way. For this reason, he considered their design acceptable. 


As members agreed that it was an infill development, the principle of development was accepted. In addition, they noted the comments of the drainage engineer that the application would have a positive impact on drainage and flood mitigation in the area. For these reasons, they agreed that the application should be approved, subject to conditions.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 



RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/S0767/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission

2. Approved plans.

3. No change in levels

4. Schedule of Materials

5. Flintwork - traditional construction

6. Obscure glazing

7. Rooflights (specified cill level)

8. Withdrawal of Permitted Development (P.D.) (numerous)

9. Energy Statement Verification

10. Air Source Heat Pump(s) - MCS Certification

11, New vehicular access

12. Vision splay protection

13. Parking & Manoeuvring Areas Retained

14. Cycle Parking Facilities

15. Landscaping implementation

16. Tree protection (implementation as approved)

17. Wildlife Protection (mitigation as approved)

18. Long term ecological management plan

19. Unsuspected Contaminated Land Condition

20. External Lighting - Basic

21. Surface Water Drainage (SWD) Implementation

22. Sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) Compliance (prior to occupation)

23. Foul drainage implementation

24. Electric Vehicles Charging Point (implementation)



1. Contaminated Land - Building Control

2. CIL-Planning permission or reserved matters approval (South)

3. Mud and vehicle obstructions on the Highway



Supporting documents: