Change of use of existing public house (Sui Generis) to provide a three-bed dwelling and a four-bed dwelling (Use C3), erection of two four-bed dwellings and a five-bed dwelling (Use C3) on land adjacent to the public house accessed from Main Street, with associated parking and landscaping, along with the demolition of existing outbuilding. (Amended site plan and highways technical note received 15 September 2023 to amend car parking and access and amended red line plan received 10 November 2023 and as amended by plans received 20 November 2023).
The committee considered planning application P23/S2135/FUL for the change of use of existing public house (Sui Generis) to provide a three-bed dwelling and a four-bed dwelling (Use C3), erection of two four-bed dwellings and a five-bed dwelling (Use C3) on land adjacent to the public house accessed from Main Street, with associated parking and landscaping, along with the demolition of existing outbuilding (amended site plan and highways technical note received 15 September 2023 to amend car parking and access and amended red line plan received 10 November 2023 and as amended by plans received 20 November 2023), on land at Horse & Harrow, Main Street, West Hagbourne.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The development manager informed the committee as to why the application was in front of the committee again, noting in particular that the appeal decision for a prior application on the site was received the morning after the committee determined the current application at a previous meeting, and that this decision to allow the appeal was a significant material planning consideration in determining the current application.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that appeal decision should be given significant weight. He brought the committee’s attention to specific sections of the inspectorate’s decision, mentioning that the pub had operated consistently at a loss and that significant investment would be necessary from any purchaser. The planning inspector also indicated that they had received a lack of offers, that there were limited objections from residents in the village, and a lack of community support for the retention of pub and that these factors played a part in their decisions.
The planning officer also confirmed with the applicant that the current application was their preferred scheme, and indicated to the committee that the only differences between the scheme approved at appeal and the current scheme was that the proposed dwellings on plots four and five had been given an additional bedroom, and so slightly increased their floor space.
Due to the planning inspector’s decision, the planning officer considered there to be no material planning reasons to refuse the application and so recommended that the application be approved.
The committee noted the appeal decision on the previous application and the extensive conditions the planning inspector had attached to the approval. They also were satisfied that the planning inspector had found the decisions made by the council were not unreasonable and based on material planning considerations.
Although members were saddened by the loss of the only community facility in the village, as the planning inspector’s decision was a key material planning consideration, the committee agreed that that the application should be approved, subject to conditions.
A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/S2135/FUL, subject to the following conditions:
1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission
2. Approved plans
3. Sample materials required
4. Boundary details
5. Biodiversity management plan
6. Ecological pre works check
7. Tree protection
8. Surface water drainage
9. Surface water
10. Landscaping Scheme (trees and shrubs only)
11. External lighting
12. Glazing
13. Sustainable drainage systems (SUDs) compliance
14. Access
15. Biodiversity enhancements
16. Cycle parking
17. Parking and manoeuvring areas
18. Energy statement verification
19. Vision splays
20. Trees and hedges
21. community infrastructure levy (CIL) - informative
22. Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) - informative
23. S137 of the Highways Act - informative
24. S151 of the Highways Act - informative
Supporting documents: