Agenda item

P23/S3949/FUL - Glendale Barn, Glendale Farm, Northend

Conversion of part of building adjoining existing dwelling to provide additional living space, and related works, including change of metal cladding to timber, altered fenestration and re-arrangement of external parking.


The committee considered planning application P23/S3949/FUL for the conversion of part of building adjoining existing dwelling to provide additional living space, and related works, including change of metal cladding to timber, altered fenestration and re-arrangement of external parking, on land at Glendale Barn, Glendale Farm, Northend.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning team leader introduced the report and highlighted that the barn was within the Chilterns National Landscape and that a certificate of lawful use had been issued to one bay of the barn in 2023, as the dwelling had been present for more than four years. The application would extend the dwelling into two adjacent bays.


One of the main issues raised on the application was its impact on the views from the public right of way running near the site, and this was noted as a reason for the committee conducting their site visit.


As the planning team leader believed that the application was in keeping with the surrounding area, he considered that it was acceptable in the National Landscape. He also indicated that there was scope for the inclusion of an additional condition for new planting to even further obscure the dwelling from the public right of way if the committee felt that more screening would be necessary.


As the planning team leader believed the application to be policy compliant and conserving the National Landscape, he recommended that the application be approved.



Gill Bindoff spoke on behalf of Watlington Parish Council, objecting to the application. 


Henry Venners, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. 



The committee had conducted a site visit prior to the discussion of the application. Members enquired into the area between the barn and the road and if it would become domestic curtilage, and the planning team leader indicated that it would be, but that as there was a dwelling there currently it was already used as a garden area. The planning team leader also mentioned that any buildings between the barn and road would need a separate planning permission.


On a question about extensions needing to be subservient to the main dwelling, the planning team leader indicated that the application was a unique case due to it being a barn conversion and not one where the design guide would necessarily apply. He emphasised to the committee however that the envelope and dimensions of the barn were not being changed via the application.


Members asked about the inclusion of additional planting for the site to reduce the extension’s viewable form from the nearby rights of way and for light mitigation measures in order for it to reduce the potential light pollution the extension would cause. In response, the planning team leader indicated that these could be conditions applied to the application’s approval.


Based on their site visit, members asked about the possibility of the applicant installing roof windows and planning team leader clarified that conditioning blinds on the windows would be difficult to enforce and that a more practical option would be to require a film be put on the glass to limit escaping light. He also noted that the external fins on the building and restriction of Permitted Development rights would help limit light pollution.


The committee noted that there were no objections to the lawful development certificate. Some members believed that the development did not conserve or enhance the Chilterns National Landscape. However, the committee agreed that, as there was an existing dwelling on the site that was being extended, and as the application was sympathetic to the surrounding area, it should be approved with the suggested conditions and the additional conditions around additional planting and internal lighting control.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 



RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/S3949/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission

2. Approved plans

3. Materials as on plans

4. Removal of Permitted Development rights – Class A

5. External lighting details to be submitted

6. Specification for glazing to be agreed

7. Landscaping scheme to be agreed



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