Erection of terrace of 4 dwellings (amended tree planting plan, contaminated risk assessment and drainage design received 1st February 2024)
The committee considered planning application P23/S2980/FUL for the erection of terrace of 4 dwellings (amended tree planting plan, contaminated risk assessment and drainage design received 1st February 2024), on land at Newtown Road, Henley-on-Thames.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that he considered the principle of development to be acceptable as it was considered an infill development which was supported by the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan policies. He also noted that the fallback position of two dwellings, which had been approved on appeal, was a material planning consideration for this application.
The planning officer also noted that the scale, form, and detailing of the proposed dwellings related well to their surroundings and that the planning inspector found that a similar design was acceptable. In addition, he considered that the relationship between the proposed plots and the neighbours to be acceptable and covered the points raised by the planning inspector.
The planning officer informed the committee that there were no objections from the highway’s authority and that the dwelling mix was also acceptable. Therefore, as the planning officer believed the application complied with Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan Policies, and that there were no objections from technical consultees, he considered it acceptable.
Tom Buckley spoke on behalf of Henley-on-Thames Town Council, objecting to the application.
Neil Davis, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
The committee asked about the proposed three-bedroom dwellings and that the gardens were below the 100 square metre recommended standard. In response, the planning officer indicated that the site was a sustainable location and so would struggle to justify this as a reason for refusal. In addition, on the size of the properties, the planning officer confirmed to members that the dwellings met the Nationally Described Space Standard.
The planning officer also confirmed that the housing land supply did not factor into the application as he considered that the application was policy compliant.
Members discussed the appeal and the application for three houses which were refused. Some members believed the application for four houses would be contrary to the Local Plan relating to the privacy of neighbours and on the Joint Henley and Harspden Neighbourhood Plan regarding their visual impact, and also that four units was an overdevelopment of the site.
As the committee noted the material fallback position of the two houses on the site, they agreed that the application was policy compliant and not harmful to neighbouring amenity. For these reasons, they could see no material planning reasons to refuse the application.
A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/S2980/FUL, subject to the following conditions:
1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission
2. Approved plans
3. No change in levels
4. Schedule of Materials
5. Obscure glazing
6. Withdrawal of Permitted Development rights (numerous)
7. Energy Statement Verification
8. Air source heat pump(s) – MCS Certification
9. Vision splay dimensions
10. Access and vision splays
11. Parking and Manoeuvring areas retained
12. Cycle parking facilities
13. Landscaping scheme (trees and shrubs only)
14. Tree protection (implementation as approved)
15. Integrated Biodiversity Enhancements (prior to slab level)
16. External Lighting
17. Surface Water Drainage prior to commencement
18. Surface Water Management scheme prior to commencement
19. Sustainable drainage systems (SUDs) compliance report prior to occupation
20. Foul Water Drainage prior to commencement
21. Foul Water Drainage compliance report prior to occupation
22. Electric Vehicles Charging Point (implementation)
23. OPTIONAL STANDARD INFORMATIVE (Neighbourhood Plan Policies)
24. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) -Planning permission or reserved matters approval (South)
25. Mud and vehicle obstructions on the Highway
26. Drainage Informative
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