Agenda item

P23/S3502/FUL - The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, Shiplake, RG9 4BS

Proposed demolition of The Old Vicarage, Robin Hill Cottage and part of an existing storage building. Erection of a detached main dwellinghouse of identical size, siting, form, layout and materials to the extensions and alteration scheme for The Old Vicarage approved by application P23/S1665/HH. Erection of two new outbuildings and a new parking courtyard and the re-opening of the historic entrance to the site from Church Lane (all as also previously approved by application P23/S1665/HH).


The committee considered planning application P23/S3502/FUL for the proposed demolition of The Old Vicarage, Robin Hill Cottage and part of an existing storage building. Erection of a detached main dwellinghouse of identical size, siting, form, layout and materials to the extensions and alteration scheme for The Old Vicarage approved by application P23/S1665/HH. Erection of two new outbuildings and a new parking courtyard and the re-opening of the historic entrance to the site from Church Lane (all as also previously approved by application P23/S1665/HH), on land at The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, Shiplake.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that planning permission was granted in 2023 for alterations to the property but that the current proposal was for a total like for like replacement. Specifically, he highlighted that the exact same form of the building was proposed in the application as was previously approved and that the reasons for the demolition was due to the energy efficiency that could be achieved with the new dwelling.


The planning officer informed the committee that objections were raised by the parish council about the loss of the non-designated heritage asset. However, he noted that prior approval had been gained to demolish the building as the property was not listed. He also highlighted that the demolition must be given weight as the applicant’s fallback position.


After the publication of the agenda, Shiplake Parish Council had removed its objection, but the planning officer confirmed that the application must still be determined by the committee.


Overall, with an additional proposed condition about tree protection measures prior to development commencing, the planning officer recommended that the application be approved. 



Councillor Chris Penrose spoke on behalf of Shiplake Parish Council on the application. 


Adrian Gould, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. 



The committee asked about access onto the site for construction traffic and the planning officer confirmed that a condition to the approval could be applied for these vehicles to use the access to the north of the site, near the Reading Road.


In response to a question about the timeline around the demolition being permitted, the planning officer highlighted that permission was granted after the conservation officer had returned their comments. The planning team leader also mentioned that demolition was possible through Permitted Development rights and that the council could only control the method of demolition.


As members noted that demolition permission was already granted, there was no significant scope for refusing the application. However, the committee agreed that, in order to completely ensure the protection of the trees on the site, an additional condition on trees and for construction traffic needed to be applied.


Overall, the committee agreed that application was acceptable, and any issues could be mitigated with conditions.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote. 



RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/S3502/FUL, subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission

2. Approved plans

3. Joinery Details (details required)

4. Schedule of Materials (details required)

5. Building Record (details required)

6. Surface water drainage works (details required)

7. Foul drainage works (details required)

8. Landscaping implementation

9. Ecology - Construction Environmental Management Plan

10. Integrated Biodiversity Enhancements

11. Tree protection measures

12. Construction traffic management


Supporting documents: