Agenda item

Review of the District net zero carbon target

CEEAC is asked to consider the report on the District’s net zero carbon target and provide recommendations to Cabinet.


The report was introduced by Senior Climate Action Officer, Jessie Fieth.

New data was released for 2022 but updated figures would be included for the September Cabinet meetings. The data does not vary enough to alter the discussion here today. We needed a nine percent drop per year to meet the 2050 targets in the Oxfordshire Net Zero Route Map and Action Plan. The average drop we’ve had has been four percent since 2019. A rapid decrease in emissions occurring would still not make us able to meet the 2030 target. We had focussed on working with neighbouring authorities and partners, using our influence to have a bigger impact, because this was not a target that the council has complete control over, everyone needed to contribute.

An officer explained that there were three presented options. Members could support keeping the 2030 target whilst acknowledging that it cannot be met. The second option would be for a revised target of 2045. The third option would be to align with national targets of 2050. Officers concluded that option two would be preferable, but still would have its challenges. 2045 would be more realistic than 2030 yet ambitious enough to drive progress.

Members asked questions and made suggestions.

  • A member asked should we focus on Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire (PAZCO) County targets? Are we creating extra work for ourselves and instead could continue with collaborative efforts. Officer stated that on balance we were all working hard towards the targets whether 2045 or 2050. There was continued close collaboration with partners/neighbours and officers considered that it was not added work and targets were closely aligned to PAZCO. The work at district level supports membership to UK100.
  • The officer explained that the team focus on the targets they have influence over and can make possible.
  • A member considered that having a date was not useful, yet other members opposed this view.
  • It was suggested that for recommendation b), we add detail that the district will work as hard as it can to get to carbon net zero. We were working across multiple boundaries and acknowledge that the target was not fully in our control. County activities and aspirations should be recognised with reference to PAZCO.
  • A member suggested looking into Lendology.
  • Planning policy - how do we account for 5 years of housing building emissions? An officer explained that some of this local plan data went into the route map, including population growth. Therefore, this was taken into account. 
  • A member raised a point about the vast amount of trees needed to offset new home building. An officer added that the team were aware of other offsetting activities beyond tree planting, it was not the sole option.


Members agreed the following recommendations to Cabinet:


(a) That CEEAC formally recognises that the aspirational target of being a net zero carbon district by 2030 cannot be met.


(b) That CEEAC recommends that Cabinet commits to a new but still ambitious target of 2045 for reaching net zero carbon for the district.

Committee requested that additional wording is added to recommendation b, to reflect that the district will work as hard as it can to get to net zero. We acknowledge that the target was not fully in our control and partnership work was crucial as part of working within our sphere of influence. For example, countywide activities such as PAZCO.


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