Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2013/14 and Capital Programme to 2017/18

Report of the Head of Finance (attached)


This report will be considered by Cabinet on 14 February and by Council on 21 February.


Purpose: the committee is asked to consider the report and the budget proposals and make comments and recommendations to Council.


The committee considered the report of the Head of Finance to Cabinet on 14 February 2013. Council would consider the report, the recommendations of Cabinet, and any recommendations from this committee on 21 February 2013.


Mr D Dodds, Cabinet Member, Mr W Jacobs, Head of Finance, and Mr S Hewings, Shared Accountancy Manager introduced the report, outlined the changes from the report considered at the meeting of 15 January, and answered questions from the committee.


They reported that:

·        There had been an error in the awarding of the grant for efficiency support for services in sparse areas (paragraph 15) and this had been withdrawn by the Department of Communities and Local Government on 5 February.

·        The definition of ‘larger villages’ in capital project SELCAP7 was that used in the council’s core strategy.

·        Public art at Chinnor cement works (SELCAP14) was funded by developer contributions.

·        Funds had been set aside under capital project SELCAP16 to improve broadband services should the opportunity arise.

·        Mr Staines confirmed that the appointment of a lettings officer should provide sufficient staff to cope with the anticipated workload created by new legislation, but a bid for extra staff could be submitted if necessary.

·        The district council’s share of the council tax would continue to provide good value for money but the estimated amounts for future years were subject to change.

·        There was a continued drive to reduce costs to close the expected gap in the council’s finances by 2014/15.

·        The charges for the garden waste service remained unchanged in 2013/14 but would be reviewed in the following years.


Councillors noted that:

·        Under SELCAP15, ticket machines requiring registration numbers could cause delays at busy periods.

·        The council’s financial position was sound because of both good investments from the sale of council housing stock and good stewardship of those investments.


The committee noted that the budget would be considered by Council on 21 February and made no recommendations.

Supporting documents: